
افعال کمک کردن و آسیب رساندن - افعال برای ایجاد آسیب

در اینجا شما برخی از افعال انگلیسی را که به ایجاد آسیب اشاره می کنند مانند " صدمه زدن "، " زخمی کردن "، و "عذاب" یاد خواهید گرفت.






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شروع یادگیری
Categorized English Verbs of Helping and Hurting
to hurt

to cause injury or physical pain to yourself or someone else

آسیب رساندن

آسیب رساندن

to injure

to physically cause harm to a person or thing

زخمی کردن

زخمی کردن

to harm

to physically hurt someone or damage something

آسیب رساندن

آسیب رساندن

to wound

to cause physical harm or injury to someone

مجروح کردن

مجروح کردن

to maim

to cause serious and often permanent injury to a person, typically by disabling a part of their body

*تا ابد مصدوم ماندن

*تا ابد مصدوم ماندن

to mutilate

to cause severe damage or harm

ناقص کردن

ناقص کردن

to maul

to attack or handle someone or something roughly, causing severe injury or damage

له کردن

له کردن

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to scar

to leave a mark on the skin after the injured tissue has healed

اثر زخم گذاشتن

اثر زخم گذاشتن

to bruise

to make injuries, particularly ones caused by a blow appear on the skin and cause discoloration

کبود شدن

کبود شدن

to contuse

to cause a bruise or injury to the body, typically by blunt force or impact

خون‌مرده کردن

خون‌مرده کردن

to pain

to cause suffering or discomfort to the body

درد کشیدن

درد کشیدن

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to run over

to hit and pass over something or someone with a vehicle, causing damage

زیر گرفتن

زیر گرفتن

to knock out

to make someone or something unconscious

بیهوش کردن

بیهوش کردن

to scathe

to harm or injure someone or something

صدمه زدن

صدمه زدن

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to burn

to be on fire and be damaged by it



to torch

to intentionally set fire to something, causing it to burn or be destroyed

مشعلدار کردن

مشعلدار کردن

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to scorch

to burn something slightly on the surface, causing a change in color without significant damage

بطور سطحی سوختن

بطور سطحی سوختن

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to singe

to lightly burn something on the surface, causing minimal damage

سطحی سوزاندن

سطحی سوزاندن

to swinge

to burn something lightly

قایم زدن

قایم زدن

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to scald

to injure oneself with hot liquid or steam

سوزاندن (با مایع داغ یا بخار)

سوزاندن (با مایع داغ یا بخار)

to assault

to violently attack someone

حمله کردن

حمله کردن

to set on

to attack someone aggressively, either physically or verbally

با خشونت به کسی حمله کردن

با خشونت به کسی حمله کردن

to fly at

to attack or assault someone or something in a violent or aggressive manner

حمله‌ور شدن

حمله‌ور شدن

to rape

to force someone to have sex against their will, particularly by using violence or threatening them

تجاوز کردن

تجاوز کردن

to torture

to violently hurt a person as a punishment or as a way of obtaining information from them

شکنجه کردن

شکنجه کردن

to torment

to subject someone to severe physical or psychological suffering

معذب کردن

معذب کردن

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to rack

to torture using a device designed to stretch or elongate the body, causing extreme pain

دندانه دار کردن

دندانه دار کردن

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to inflict

to cause or impose something unpleasant, harmful, or unwelcome upon someone or something

مبتلا کردن

مبتلا کردن

to poison

to give a substance containing toxins or harmful elements to a person or animal with the intention of causing illness, harm, or death

مسموم کردن

مسموم کردن

to sting

(of an animal or insect) to pierce the skin of another animal or a human, typically injecting poison, either in self-defense or while preying

نیش زدن

نیش زدن

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