
陸上交通 - 道路の設計と機能










Words Related to Land Transportation

a part of a road that is separated by white lines

車線, レーン

車線, レーン

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slow lane

the lane on a multi-lane road designated for vehicles traveling at slower speeds

スローレーン, 低速車線

スローレーン, 低速車線

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fast lane

the lane on a multi-lane road designated for vehicles traveling at higher speeds

速いレーン, 追い越し車線

速いレーン, 追い越し車線

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passing lane

the lane on a road or highway that vehicles use to overtake slower-moving traffic

追い越し車線, オーバーテイクライン

追い越し車線, オーバーテイクライン

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HOV lane

a designated highway lane reserved for vehicles carrying multiple occupants, typically with a minimum requirement of two or more people

HOVレーン, 乗員多様車両専用レーン

HOVレーン, 乗員多様車両専用レーン

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HOT lane

a designated highway lane where drivers can choose to pay a toll for faster travel

HOTレーン, 有料レーン

HOTレーン, 有料レーン

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reversible lane

a traffic lane that changes direction based on the time of day or traffic flow

リバーシブルレーン, 逆転車線

リバーシブルレーン, 逆転車線

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climbing lane

an additional lane on a road designed to help slower vehicles move uphill without impeding faster traffic

登坂車線, 上り車線

登坂車線, 上り車線

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bicycle lane

a designated part of the road marked specifically for cyclists to ride safely

自転車専用レーン, 自転車道

自転車専用レーン, 自転車道

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a sharp bend or turn in a road

急カーブ, 急なターン

急カーブ, 急なターン

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bike lane

a designated area on a road for cyclists

自転車道, バイクレーン

自転車道, バイクレーン

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breakdown lane

a lane on the side of a highway where vehicles can stop in case of emergency or mechanical failure

緊急停車帯, 故障車停車帯

緊急停車帯, 故障車停車帯

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express lane

the part of a road where vehicles can go faster due to light traffic there

エクスプレスレーン, 速達レーン

エクスプレスレーン, 速達レーン

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carpool lane

a traffic lane reserved for vehicles with a minimum number of passengers, typically to encourage carpooling and reduce congestion

カープールレーン, 乗り合い車レーン

カープールレーン, 乗り合い車レーン

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the raised edge at the side of a street, usually made of stone

縁石, カーブ

縁石, カーブ

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the area adjacent to the edge of a street or road where vehicles can park or where services, such as deliveries or pickups, often take place

カーブサイド, 路肩

カーブサイド, 路肩

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the slight curve or tilt of a road surface to help with drainage and stability

傾斜, 傾き

傾斜, 傾き

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a curve in a road, river, etc.

曲がり, カーブ

曲がり, カーブ

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a sharp turn or bend in a road or trail that zigzags in order to manage a steep incline or decline

鋭角の曲がり, ジグザグ曲がり

鋭角の曲がり, ジグザグ曲がり

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the degree of the angle between the ground and the sloping line, road, etc.

勾配, グラデーション

勾配, グラデーション

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hairpin turn

a sharp bend in a road that sharply changes its direction

ヘアピンカーブ, 急カーブ

ヘアピンカーブ, 急カーブ

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having multiple twists and turns

曲がりくねった, うねうねした

曲がりくねった, うねうねした

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a circular intersection where multiple roads meet

サークル, 円形交差点

サークル, 円形交差点

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loop around

a circuitous path or route that returns to the starting point

ループ, 回路

ループ, 回路

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the point where two or more roads or lanes come together and traffic must combine

合流, 合併

合流, 合併

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a road feature designed to redirect traffic from a side road to make a safer left turn

ジャグハンドル, ジグハンドル

ジャグハンドル, ジグハンドル

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the area along the edge of a road

路傍, 道路脇

路傍, 道路脇

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median strip

a narrow area of land or barrier that separates lanes of traffic on a highway or road

中央分離帯, median strip

中央分離帯, median strip

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the strip of land bordering a road, often covered with grass or vegetation

縁石, 道の周辺

縁石, 道の周辺

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the strip of land on the side of a road where vehicles can stop in an emergency

肩, 緊急停止帯

肩, 緊急停止帯

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soft shoulder

the unpaved or less stable portion alongside a road, typically made of gravel, dirt, or grass, designated for emergency stopping or vehicle breakdowns

ソフトショルダー, 柔らかい肩

ソフトショルダー, 柔らかい肩

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a tall metal structure used for carrying high-voltage power lines above the ground

パイロン, 電柱

パイロン, 電柱

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a structure spanning over a road that supports signs, signals, or cameras

ガントリー, 支架構造

ガントリー, 支架構造

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a big sign used for advertising, usually found near roads or highways

ビルボード, 広告板

ビルボード, 広告板

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pinch point

a place where something becomes narrow, often causing a restriction or bottleneck

狭窄な地点, ボトルネック

狭窄な地点, ボトルネック

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a designated area where vehicles can reverse direction

Uターン, 転回

Uターン, 転回

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to branch off

(of a path or road) to split into another direction, creating a separate route

分岐する, 分かれる

分岐する, 分かれる

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to fork

to split into two or more separate paths or divisions

分かれる, 分岐する

分かれる, 分岐する

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of a road or path that is clear and safe to travel on

通行できる, 通れる

通行できる, 通れる

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(of a path) not possible to travel across or through

通行止めの, 通行不能な

通行止めの, 通行不能な

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the place where two or more streets, roads, etc. cross each other

交差点, インターsection

交差点, インターsection

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