Land Transportation - Road Design and Features
Here you will learn some English words related to road design and features such as "lane", "curb", and "shoulder."
a designated highway lane reserved for vehicles carrying multiple occupants, typically with a minimum requirement of two or more people
an additional lane on a road designed to help slower vehicles move uphill without impeding faster traffic
a lane on the side of a highway where vehicles can stop in case of emergency or mechanical failure
a traffic lane reserved for vehicles with a minimum number of passengers, typically to encourage carpooling and reduce congestion
the area adjacent to the edge of a street or road where vehicles can park or where services, such as deliveries or pickups, often take place
a sharp turn or bend in a road or trail that zigzags in order to manage a steep incline or decline
a road feature designed to redirect traffic from a side road to make a safer left turn
a narrow area of land or barrier that separates lanes of traffic on a highway or road
the unpaved or less stable portion alongside a road, typically made of gravel, dirt, or grass, designated for emergency stopping or vehicle breakdowns