
지식과 이해 - 이해의 부재

"none thewiser" 및 "lose the 줄거리"와 같은 이해력 부족에 관한 영어 숙어를 마스터하세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Knowledge & Understanding
to beat one's brains out

to try one's best in order to solve a problem or to understand it

해결책을 찾기 위해 고심하고 있다

해결책을 찾기 위해 고심하고 있다

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to blind sb with science

to confuse someone by using difficult or technical words while describing something to them

어려운 정보로 누군가를 혼란스럽게 하다

어려운 정보로 누군가를 혼란스럽게 하다

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none the wiser

used to describe a situation in which someone remains uninformed or unaware, typically after an event or the receipt of information

뭔가를 이해하지 못하는 사람

뭔가를 이해하지 못하는 사람

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to get one's wires crossed

to fail to correctly understand or interpret what someone said

뭔가를 제대로 이해하지 못하는 것

뭔가를 제대로 이해하지 못하는 것

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to lose the plot

to be unable to comprehend what is happening around one



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la-la land

a state in which one does not understand the current situation due to being completely detached from reality

논리적으로 행동하지 않는 사람

논리적으로 행동하지 않는 사람

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beats me

used when one is completely unable to guess or understand something



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search me

used as a response to mean that one does not have any answer to a particular question

나는 전혀 모른다

나는 전혀 모른다

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beyond the veil

in a state or place that is unknown or unseen, particularly referring to where people go after they die

알려지지 않았거나 발견되지 않은

알려지지 않았거나 발견되지 않은

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over one's head

used to refer to something that is complicated or difficult beyond one's understanding or capability

매우 복잡한

매우 복잡한

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blind spot

a subject that is very challenging or boring to one

매우 지루하거나 어려운 주제

매우 지루하거나 어려운 주제

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to be all Greek to sb

used for saying that one is unable to understand the meaning of something particular

뭔가를 이해하지 못함

뭔가를 이해하지 못함

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