Bilgi ve Anlayış - Anlama Eksikliği
"Hiçbiri akıllı değil" ve "olay örgüsünü kaybetmek" gibi anlama eksikliğiyle ilgili İngilizce deyimlerde ustalaşın.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to try one's best in order to solve a problem or to understand it

kafa patlatmak
to confuse someone by using difficult or technical words while describing something to them

çok teknik konuşarak birinin kafasını karıştırmak
used to describe a situation in which someone remains uninformed or unaware, typically after an event or the receipt of information

henüz habersiz
to fail to correctly understand or interpret what someone said

yanlış anlamak
a state in which one does not understand the current situation due to being completely detached from reality

hayal dünyası
used as a response to mean that one does not have any answer to a particular question

hiçbir fikrim yok!
in a state or place that is unknown or unseen, particularly referring to where people go after they die

öbür dünya
used to refer to something that is complicated or difficult beyond one's understanding or capability

anlaşılması çok güç