
Conocimiento y Comprensión - Ausencia de comprensión

Domina los modismos en inglés relacionados con la falta de comprensión, como "none the Wisper" y "lose the plot".




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English idioms related to Knowledge & Understanding
to beat one's brains out

to try one's best in order to solve a problem or to understand it

luchando por encontrar una solución

luchando por encontrar una solución

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to blind sb with science

to confuse someone by using difficult or technical words while describing something to them

confundir a alguien con información difícil

confundir a alguien con información difícil

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none the wiser

used to describe a situation in which someone remains uninformed or unaware, typically after an event or the receipt of information

alguien que no puede entender algo

alguien que no puede entender algo

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to get one's wires crossed

to fail to correctly understand or interpret what someone said

no entender algo correctamente

no entender algo correctamente

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to lose the plot

to be unable to comprehend what is happening around one

estar confundido

estar confundido

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la-la land

a state in which one does not understand the current situation due to being completely detached from reality

alguien que no se está comportando lógicamente

alguien que no se está comportando lógicamente

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beats me

used when one is completely unable to guess or understand something

No lo sé

No lo sé

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search me

used as a response to mean that one does not have any answer to a particular question

No tengo ni idea

No tengo ni idea

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beyond the veil

in a state or place that is unknown or unseen, particularly referring to where people go after they die

desconocido o no descubierto

desconocido o no descubierto

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over one's head

used to refer to something that is complicated or difficult beyond one's understanding or capability

muy complicado

muy complicado

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blind spot

a subject that is very challenging or boring to one

tema muy aburrido o desafiante

tema muy aburrido o desafiante

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to be all Greek to sb

used for saying that one is unable to understand the meaning of something particular

no entender algo

no entender algo

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