권력 관계 동사 - 박탈에 대한 동사
여기서는 "deny", "boycott", "withhold"와 같은 박탈을 나타내는 영어 동사를 배우게 됩니다.
to deprive
to prevent someone from having something, particularly something that they need

박탈하다, 빼앗다

to expropriate
to take possession of someone's property, typically through legal means or governmental authority

수용하다, 압수하다

to boycott
to refuse to buy, use, or participate in something as a way to show disapproval or to try to bring about a change

보이콧하다, 참여하지 않다

to censor
to remove parts of something such as a book, movie, etc. and prevent the public from accessing them for political, moral, or religious purposes

검열하다, 삭제하다

to embargo
to impose a restriction or official ban on the release, publication, or distribution of certain information, news, or materials

금지하다, 제한하다


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