A Hatalmi Viszonyok Igéi - Igék a nélkülözéshez
Itt megtudhat néhány olyan angol igét, amelyek a nélkülözésre utalnak, mint például a "tagadás", "bojkott" és "visszatartás".
to prevent someone from having something, particularly something that they need

megfoszt, elvon

to take away someone's ownership of a property

megfosztani a tulajdontól, eltulajdonítani

to take possession of someone's property, typically through legal means or governmental authority

kiürít, kiválni

to refuse to buy, use, or participate in something as a way to show disapproval or to try to bring about a change

bojkottálni, részt nem venni

to remove parts of something such as a book, movie, etc. and prevent the public from accessing them for political, moral, or religious purposes

cenzúrázni, eltávolítani

to impose a restriction or official ban on the release, publication, or distribution of certain information, news, or materials

embargó kivetni, tiltani