
권력 관계 동사 - 감금과 해방을 뜻하는 동사

여기서는 "trap", "release", "free"와 같이 감금과 해방을 나타내는 영어 동사를 배우게 됩니다.









학습 시작
Categorized English Verbs Denoting Power Relations
to harness

to secure and connect an animal to equipment like a plow, carriage, or sled for controlled movement or work

말에 고삐를 매다

말에 고삐를 매다

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to trap

to catch something or someone in a confined or controlled space or situation



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to snare

to catch something cleverly or with a device



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to cage

to confine something, typically an animal, within a restricted space

새장에 넣다

새장에 넣다

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to release

to let someone leave a place in which they have been confined or stuck

누군가를 자유롭게 해준다

누군가를 자유롭게 해준다

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to free

to release someone from captivity or arrest

누군가를 포로에서 풀어주기

누군가를 포로에서 풀어주기

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to liberate

to free someone or something from oppression or captivity

자유롭게 하다

자유롭게 하다

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to extricate

to free someone or something from a difficult or entangled situation

구해 내다

구해 내다

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to unleash

to release something from restraint, allowing it to move or act freely

...의 가죽끈을 끄르다

...의 가죽끈을 끄르다

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to loose

to release from confinement



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to emancipate

to free someone from slavery or forced labor, giving them freedom and independence



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to let go

to release one's grip on something

가게 하다

가게 하다

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to unchain

to release someone or something from being physically bound

사슬에서 풀어주다

사슬에서 풀어주다

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to unbind

to release from being tied or bound

...의 묶은 것을 끄르다

...의 묶은 것을 끄르다

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to capture

to catch an animal or a person and keep them as a prisoner

누군가를 붙잡거나 붙잡는다

누군가를 붙잡거나 붙잡는다

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to catch

to capture or grab something or someone using methods like hunting, chasing, or trapping

to confine

to keep someone or something in a specific space, preventing them from leaving or being taken away



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to tether

to tie or fasten with a rope or chain

밧줄로 잡아매다

밧줄로 잡아매다

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to detain

to officially hold someone in a place, such as a jail, and not let them go

누군가를 구금하는 것

누군가를 구금하는 것

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to hold

to keep someone somewhere and not let them leave, especially as a prisoner

to corner

to trap a person or an animal in a position where they cannot escape

모를 내다

모를 내다

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to besiege

to surround a place, typically with armed forces, in order to force those inside to give up or surrender



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to pin down

to restrict someone or something, limiting their freedom or options

...을 핀으로 꽂다

...을 핀으로 꽂다

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to immure

to take a person or thing to a confined space and trap them there



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