존재와 행동의 동사 - 의존성과 연관을 나타내는 동사
여기서는 "base", "correlate" 및 "relate"와 같은 의존성과 연관성을 나타내는 몇 가지 영어 동사를 배우게 됩니다.
to base
to build something upon a certain foundation or principle, or to use it as a starting point for further growth or development

기반으로 하다, 토대를 두다

to ride on
to achieve success or progress based on the outcome of a particular situation or circumstance

의존하다, 기반하다

to hinge on
(of an outcome, decision, or situation) to depend entirely on a particular factor or set of circumstances

의존하다, 근거하다

to rest on
to have as a foundation or to be based on a particular idea, concept, principle, or condition

기초하다, 의존하다

to connect
to establish a logical or causal relationship between ideas, events, or concepts

연결하다, 연관짓다


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