Varlık ve Eylem Fiilleri - Bağımlılık ve İlişkilendirme Fiilleri
Burada "base", "correlate" ve "relate" gibi bağımlılık ve çağrışıma atıfta bulunan bazı İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.
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to build something upon a certain foundation or principle, or to use it as a starting point for further growth or development

dayanmak, kurmak

to require someone or something for support, maintenance, help, etc.

yardım beklemek
to achieve success or progress based on the outcome of a particular situation or circumstance

bağlı olmak, dayanmak

to financially survive by depending on someone or something else

kıt kanaat geçinmek
(of an outcome, decision, or situation) to depend entirely on a particular factor or set of circumstances

bağlı olmak, güvenmek

to have as a foundation or to be based on a particular idea, concept, principle, or condition

dayanmak, temel almak

to make a connection between someone or something and another in the mind

to establish a logical or causal relationship between ideas, events, or concepts

bağlantılamak, bağıntı kurmak
to be applicable, connected, or relevant to a particular subject, circumstance, or situation

ilgili olmak