Książka Total English - Średnio zaawansowany - Jednostka 8 – Odniesienie
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z Rozdziału 8 – Referencje z podręcznika Total English Intermediate, takie jak „ćwiczenie”, „sprawiedliwy handel”, „przeciążenie” itp.
a profession or a series of professions that one can do for a long period of one's life

kariera, zawód

a permanent change in global or regional climate patterns, including temperature, wind, and rainfall

zmiana klimatu

a mutual understanding or agreement established between people

porozumienie, umowa

a sequence of musical notes arranged in a specific order to create a recognizable piece of music

melodia, piosenka

(law) the procedure of formally asking a higher court to dismiss and reverse the decision made by a lower court

apelacja, odwołanie

(of law enforcement agencies) to take a person away because they believe that they have done something illegal

aresztować, zatrzymać

a structure that has walls, a roof, and sometimes many levels, like an apartment, house, school, etc.

budynek, struktura

a state of being overcrowded or blocked, particularly in a street or road

korek, zator

the process of building or creating something, such as structures, machines, or infrastructure


the toxic gases and particles that are released from the exhaust system of a vehicle and other sources

gazy spalinowe, spaliny

a period of hot weather, usually hotter and longer than before

fala upałów, udermugl

a device placed inside of a vehicle that makes an alarming and loud sound, used to give a warning or signal to others

klakson, horn

a time of day at which traffic is the heaviest because people are leaving for work or home

godzina szczytu, godziny szczytu

a very tall building that is divided into several apartments or offices

bloki wieżowe, wysoki blok

a large number of bikes, cars, buses, etc. that are waiting in lines behind each other which move very slowly

kork, zator

a state of frustration or anxiety caused by opposing desires or feelings at the same time

konflikt, sprzeczność

trading practices that do not put consumers at a disadvantage

sprawiedliwy handel, uczciwy handel

the increase in the average temperature of the Earth as a result of the greenhouse effect

globalne ocieplenie, wzrost średniej temperatury Ziemi

the activity of working on a farm and growing crops or producing animal products by raising them

rolnictwo, gospodarstwo

the number of deaths in a particular population over a specific period of time, usually expressed as a ratio or percentage

wskaźnik umieralności, wskaźnik zgonów

(of food or farming techniques) produced or done without any artificial or chemical substances

organiczny, ekologiczny

a change in water, air, etc. that makes it harmful or dangerous

zanieczyszczenie, kontaminacja

the condition of lacking enough money or income to afford basic needs like food, clothing, etc.


energy that is generated from the sun's radiation using solar panels, which convert sunlight into electricity

energia słoneczna, moc słoneczna

the level of wealth, welfare, comfort, and necessities available to an individual, group, country, etc.
any of the available possibilities that one can choose from

alternatywa, opcja

to feel sad, sorry, or disappointed about something that has happened or something that you have done, often wishing it had been different

żałować, ubolewać

to devote one's time and energy to doing or finishing something one was nervous about