
Descrierea Calităților - Lucruri vechi și noi

Explorați idiomuri englezești referitoare la lucruri vechi sau noi cu exemple precum „pălărie veche” și „de vârf”.




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English Idioms used to Describe Qualities
old shoe

something or someone that is familiar, comfortable, and easy to be around

persoană sau lucru familiar

persoană sau lucru familiar

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cutting edge

the forefront or leading position in a particular field or area of activity, characterized by the most advanced or innovative practices, technologies, or ideas

poziție importantă în orice domeniu

poziție importantă în orice domeniu

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all singing, all dancing

(of a piece of equipment) very advanced in design

modern si avansat

modern si avansat

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last word

something that is considered the most fashionable or advanced in comparison with others of the same type

ceva care este cel mai la modă sau avansat în tipul său

ceva care este cel mai la modă sau avansat în tipul său

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the shape of things to come

a short glance of what one is likely to experience or what might happen in the future

o privire generală asupra unui viitor posibil

o privire generală asupra unui viitor posibil

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breath of fresh air

someone or something that presents a refreshing change compared to what existed before

Schimbare pozitivă

Schimbare pozitivă

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to fall to pieces

to age gradually, leading to a state of poor or declining condition

devenind învechit

devenind învechit

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in mint condition

(of objects) in a perfect or unharmed condition

in stare perfecta

in stare perfecta

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old hat

used to describe something that has been used many times or has existed for an extended period of time and is no longer new



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to gather dust

to be ignored or left unused for a very long time

ceva care este nefolosit de mult timp

ceva care este nefolosit de mult timp

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bricks and clicks

a business that has both real physical stores and also sells products or services online through a website or app

afaceri online

afaceri online

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bricks and mortar

physical stores or buildings in contrast to online or virtual alternatives

magazine sau clădiri în care se desfășoară afaceri

magazine sau clădiri în care se desfășoară afaceri

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hot off the press

(of a paper, particularly a newspaper) recently printed

ceva care a fost publicat recent

ceva care a fost publicat recent

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to go out of fashion

to become outdated and no longer liked or supported

devenind învechit

devenind învechit

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