
Relații Umane - Căsătorie

Explorați proverbe englezești referitoare la căsătorie cu proverbe precum „căsătorește-te în grabă, pocăiește-te în timpul liber” și „un Jack bun face o Jill bună”.




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Human Relationships
a good Jack makes a good Jill

used to imply that a person's positive qualities and behavior can have a positive influence on their partner,

un Jack bun face o Jill bună

un Jack bun face o Jill bună

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happy wife, happy life

used to imply that a husband's happiness is closely linked to the happiness of his wife, and taking care of her needs and wants is important for a fulfilling marriage

he that will thrive must first ask his wife

used to imply that a husband and wife's partnership is essential for achieving success, and that the husband's willingness to listen to and consider his wife's opinion can lead to more favorable outcomes

marry in haste, repent at leisure

used to emphasize that rushing into a marriage without careful consideration can lead to regret and long-term consequences

căsătorește-te în grabă, pocăiește-te pe îndelete

căsătorește-te în grabă, pocăiește-te pe îndelete

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a young man married is a young man marred

used to imply that marrying at a young age can be detrimental to a person's personal and professional development, as it can create additional responsibilities and limit opportunities

un tânăr căsătorit este un tânăr stricat

un tânăr căsătorit este un tânăr stricat

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honest men marry quickly, wise men not at all

used to suggest that straightforward and sincere men tend to get married early in life, while more prudent men may choose to remain unmarried

first thrive, (and) then wive

used to suggest that it is wise to achieve financial stability and independence before committing to the responsibilities of marriage and family

mai întâi prosperă și apoi soție

mai întâi prosperă și apoi soție

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better be an old man's darling than (to be) a young man's slave

used to suggest that it is better to be cherished and valued by an older person than to be under the control and mistreatment of a younger person

mai bine să fii draga unui bătrân decât să fii sclavul unui tânăr

mai bine să fii draga unui bătrân decât să fii sclavul unui tânăr

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better wed over the mixen than over the moor

used to advise that it's wiser to marry someone who lives nearby, even if they're not perfect, than to seek a perfect partner far away in a remote place

mai bine să ne căsătorim peste amestec decât peste mlaștină

mai bine să ne căsătorim peste amestec decât peste mlaștină

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a rouk-town's seldom a good housewife at home

used to suggest that someone who spends a lot of time gossiping or meddling in other people's affairs is unlikely to be a good homemaker or caretaker of their own household

un oraș-rouk este rareori o gospodină bună acasă

un oraș-rouk este rareori o gospodină bună acasă

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a good husband makes a good wife

used to imply that a woman's behavior and character are influenced by the way her husband treats her, emphasizing that both parties are important in creating a successful marriage

un soț bun face o soție bună

un soț bun face o soție bună

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never marry for money, but marry where money is

used to suggest that one should not choose a life partner based solely on their wealth, but it is important to consider financial stability when choosing a partner

nu te căsătorești niciodată pentru bani, ci căsătorește-te acolo unde sunt banii

nu te căsătorești niciodată pentru bani, ci căsătorește-te acolo unde sunt banii

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