Media și Comunicare - Verbe legate de comunicare
Aici veți învăța câteva verbe în limba engleză legate de comunicare, cum ar fi „forward”, „redial” și „unsend”.
Fișe de studiu
(of an email) to fail to reach the destination and be sent back to the sender
întoarce, a nu ajunge
to send an email advertisement to a large number of recipients
bombarda cu e-mailuri, trimite e-mailuri în masă
to send a message to someone by email
a trimite un e-mail, a expedia un e-mail
to send something, such as an email or letter, that you have received, to someone else
to send an unwanted advertisement or message online, usually to a lot of people
a face spam, a trimite spam
(computing) to send an email or spam to someone pretending to be someone else by forging their address
falsifica adresa de email, a înșela prin email
to write something for the first time that needs corrections for the final presentation
a redacta, a schița
to make a text, email, file, etc. be delivered in a digital or electronic way
trimite, expedia
to use a mailing feature that enables one to prevent a sent email or text from being delivered
anula trimiterea, retrage trimiterea
to make a cell phone capable of using any carrier network rather than an specific one
debloca, libera
to communicate with someone by calling or writing to them
a contacta, a lua legătura
to wait on the phone line until the other person answers it
aștepta, rămâne pe linie
to dial a phone number by mistake
a apela un număr greșit, a forma un număr greșit
to dial a phone number that was already dialed
retrasa, a suna din nou
to transmit or send a message or information over a long distance using a telegraph system or a similar communication technology
telegrafa, a transmite prin telegraf
(computing) to send an offensive or abusive message to someone over the internet
a flama, a trimite mesaje ofensatoare
to attend in a meeting the participants of which are at different locations and are linked through telecommunications devices
teleconferința, a participa la o teleconferință
to send someone a brief text, image, etc. in an electronic form
a trimite un mesaj, mesageria
to respond to an email message by sending a reply or answer to the sender's original email address
a răspunde prin e-mail, a trimite un răspuns prin e-mail