Книга Solutions - Средне-выше среднего - Блок 6 - 6F
Здесь вы найдете словарный запас из модулей 6–6F учебника Solutions Upper-Intermediate, например, «порция», «привыкание», «сила воли» и т. д.
a remaining portion of something, often used to describe food that has not been eaten or a material that has not been used up

a small cut of a larger portion such as a piece of cake, pizza, etc.

кусок, ломоть
(of a substance, activity, behavior, etc.) causing strong dependency, making it difficult for a person to stop using or engaging in it

вызывающий привыкание
(of food or drink) containing a significant amount of calories

(of food) altered in some way from its original state through various methods such as canning, freezing, or adding preservatives

a substance taken from animals or plants and then processed so that it can be used in cooking

the freedom to make a decision or choose a course of action without external constraint or influence

свободный выбор
a natural, white substance, obtained from mines and also found in seawater that is added to the food to make it taste better or to preserve it

a sweet white or brown substance that is obtained from plants and used to make food and drinks sweet

the ability to control one's own behavior, actions, and decision-making through the exercise of conscious effort and self-discipline

сила воли