Åsikt och Argument - Att uttrycka åsikter
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord som är relaterade till att uttrycka åsikter som "stance", "slant" och "swing".
the right or chance to give an opinion about something
rätten att kommentera
to have no respect for someone or something because one thinks they are stupid or undeserving
a very strong feeling that someone or something is despicable or unworthy of respect
to constantly change from one opinion, state, or mood to another and then back again
gunga på gungbräde
the conception someone has, particularly about their abilities, character, and qualities
consideration or concern for oneself or one’s own interest
to adopt a different opinion or point of view, particularly a contradictory one
ändra sin synvinkel
to be too harsh on someone just to prove that their ideas are wrong or stupid
used to indicate a degree of expectation regarding something that is likely to happen
to compel someone to accept one’s ideas and beliefs, especially in an annoying way
tvinga någon att acceptera något
to talk or act differently because of a change in opinion, behavior, or attitude, especially one that happens abruptly
har en helt annan åsikt
to examine someone or something in order to form a judgment
utvärdera något
a unique approach or perspective that is centered around a particular opinion
a mean or hurtful word or comment that is used to insult or put down someone based on their race, gender, or other traits
suddigt uttal
used to express a negative opinion or disappointment of someone or something
to express strong and often negative opinions about something, typically in a rude manner
to have or express particular feelings or opinions
höra en ton av något
expressing one's opinions or point of view as someone who has had the same or similar experience
talar som
to confidently share one's thoughts or feelings without any hesitation
artikulera något fritt
to be able to understand someone because of having mutual tastes, opinions, attitudes, etc.
talar samma språk
in a way that shows one's decisions are merely based on estimations or personal opinions rather than actual facts
to clearly state one's opinions in order to distinguish between one's ideas and other's
an attitude, position, or opinion that one holds or states firmly
personlig åsikt
to remain loyal to or supportive of someone, particularly during a hard time
vara lojal mot någon
an opinion or decision that is formed based on one's belief or circumstances
something that is expressed through things one says or writes
an unofficial test of opinion that includes a number of people who give their opinion about something or say whether or not they intend to participate in an election
the ideas and opinions that ordinary people have, especially people who live in cities
in a manner that shows a person's resistance or unwillingness to reconsider what they think or want to do
based on or influenced by personal feelings or opinions rather than facts
utifrån ens egna känslor eller åsikter
the state of being affected by personal opinions and feelings instead of facts and statistics
in a way that is only based on or influenced by one's personal opinions, ideas, or feelings
baserat på personlig åsikt
to mention an idea, proposition, plan, etc. for further consideration or possible action
föreslår något
the act of putting an idea or plan forward for someone to think about