Розширений Словниковий Запас для TOEFL - History
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова про історію, такі як «передісторія», «юрський період», «хроніка» тощо, які потрібні для іспиту TOEFL.
the early period of human history when people used things such as stone, horn, bone, etc. to make tools
кам'яна доба, первісний період
the era in human history from which we have no written record
попередня історія
one of the periods in history when ice covered large parts of the world
лідниковий період, існуючий льодовиковий етап
the historical period before the Middle Ages, especially before the sixth century when Greeks and Romans were the most prosperous
давнина, античність
the era in European history commenced at the end of the Roman Empire in AD 476 and lasted until AD 1000
темні віки, темний період
an era in European history, between about AD 1000 and AD 1500, when the authority of kings, people of high rank, and the Christian Church was unquestionable
середні віки
the period that began about 1100 BC when people used iron tools for the first time
Залізний вік, Епоха заліза
the period when iron was not discovered and people used bronze to make tools
Бронзова доба, Епоха бронзи
the period that began with Christ's birth
християнська ера, ери християнства
relating to the period between around 208 to 146 million years ago, when the largest known dinosaurs lived
юрський, відносно юрського
relating to the period between approximately 146 and 65 million years ago, when dinosaurs lived (until their extinction)
relating to Greek history, language, and culture, especially the era from the death of Alexander the Great to the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark Antony in 31 BC, during which Greek culture thrived considerably
елліністичний, связаний з елліністичною культурою
a philosophical movement in the late 17th and 18th centuries that emphasized reason and science were of more importance than tradition and religion
Просвітництво, епоха Просвітництва
a person who was not a member of a great civilization (Greek, Roman, Christian) and was believed to be savage and uncivil
варвар, дикун
to record a series of historical events in a detailed way by a chronological order
хронікувати, записувати
an object, person, or event that is out of place in terms of time or context, often appearing in a historical setting before its actual invention or introduction
the study of civilizations of the past and historical periods by the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains
any territory under the full or partial control of another more powerful nation, often occupied by settlers from that nation
(plural) the remains of something such as a building after it has been seriously damaged or destroyed
руїни, рештки
used typically before a date to show that it is not exact
близько, приблизно
the political structure during a period in the history of the UK between 1649 and 1660, called the interregnum, during which the country was ruled without a king or queen
Міжнародне товариство, Республіка