
Danh Sách Từ Vựng Trình Độ C1 - Luật pháp và tội phạm

Tại đây các bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh về pháp luật và tội phạm như “hành hung”, “tống tiền”, “cốc”, v.v… chuẩn bị cho người học C1.


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CEFR C1 Vocabulary
to abuse

to sexually assault a person, especially women and children

lạm dụng tình dục ai đó

lạm dụng tình dục ai đó

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to assault

to violently attack someone

tấn công ai đó

tấn công ai đó

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to hijack

to forcefully take control of a vehicle, like an airplane, often to take hostages or change its course

cướp trên không

cướp trên không

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to kidnap

to take someone away and hold them in captivity, typically to demand something for their release

bắt cóc

bắt cóc

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to mug

to steal from someone by threatening them or using violence, particularly in a public place

ăn trộm

ăn trộm

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to rape

to force someone to have sex against their will, particularly by using violence or threatening them

cưởng hiếp

cưởng hiếp

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to pirate

to illegally copy, use, or sell someone else's work or product, such as a book, song, etc.

bán hoặc sao chép trái phép tác phẩm của ai đó

bán hoặc sao chép trái phép tác phẩm của ai đó

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[Động từ]
to vandalize

to intentionally damage something, particularly public property

phá hoại (tài sản, v.v.)

phá hoại (tài sản, v.v.)

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the criminal act of setting something on fire, particularly a building

sự cố ý gây hỏa hoạn

sự cố ý gây hỏa hoạn

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the crime of demanding money or benefits from someone by threatening to reveal secret or sensitive information about them

phác giác chuyện kín

phác giác chuyện kín

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the action of intentionally making a person believe something that is untrue

điều gian trá

điều gian trá

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an illegal entry into a building by using force, particularly in order to steal something

nhập cảnh trái phép (tội ác)

nhập cảnh trái phép (tội ác)

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an amount of money or something of value given to someone in order to persuade them to do something that is illegal

hối lộ (tiền)

hối lộ (tiền)

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the criminal act of making a copy of a document, money, etc. to do something illegal

sự giả mạo (tội ác)

sự giả mạo (tội ác)

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a mass murder committed in order to destroy a particular nation, religious or ethnic group, or race

sự tiêu diệt một dân tộc

sự tiêu diệt một dân tộc

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a cybercrime in which someone tricks another into revealing their personal or financial information such as their passwords or bank account numbers and then using this information to steal money from them

lừa đảo (tội phạm)

lừa đảo (tội phạm)

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a person who deceives people to get their money

kẻ lừa đảo

kẻ lừa đảo

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a person who deceives or cheats people out of money

người lừa đảo

người lừa đảo

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an amount of money demanded or paid for the release of a person who is in captivity

tiền chuộc)

tiền chuộc)

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a situation when a group of people behave violently, particularly as a protest

sự có nhiều

sự có nhiều

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an amount of money that must be paid as a legal punishment

tiền phạt (tiền mặt)

tiền phạt (tiền mặt)

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to bug

to hide a small microphone in a place or device in order to secretly listen to or record someone's conversations

sâu bọ

sâu bọ

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proof that indicates a person was somewhere other than the place where a crime took place and therefore could not have committed it

bằng chứng về sự vắng mặt của ai đó khi tội phạm xảy ra

bằng chứng về sự vắng mặt của ai đó khi tội phạm xảy ra

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[Danh từ]

someone who helps another to commit a crime or do a wrongdoing

đồng phạm

đồng phạm

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a person involved in a conspiracy

người âm mưu

người âm mưu

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someone who murders an important person for money or religious or political reasons

kẻ ám sát

kẻ ám sát

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a robber who attacks travelers and is a member of a group of robbers

côn đồ

côn đồ

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a member of a group of criminals

kẻ bất lương

kẻ bất lương

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juvenile delinquent

a young person who commits a crime

người vị thành niên phạm pháp

người vị thành niên phạm pháp

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the action of putting someone in prison

sự giam cầm

sự giam cầm

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a person who is held in a prison or correctional facility

mọi người trong nhà

mọi người trong nhà

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a person found guilty of a crime and sent to prison

người bị đày

người bị đày

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[Danh từ]
capital punishment

the killing of a criminal as punishment

án tử hình

án tử hình

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a formal statement made by a person admitting that they are guilty of a crime

nhận lỗi

nhận lỗi

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to inspect

to carefully look at something or someone, particularly to check its condition or make sure it meets standards

kiểm tra ai đó hoặc một cái gì đó

kiểm tra ai đó hoặc một cái gì đó

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[Động từ]

using one's power or authority to do illegal things for personal gain or financial benefit

tham nhũng

tham nhũng

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[Tính từ]

the act of punishing a criminal by death

chấp hành

chấp hành

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to raid

(of police) to unexpectedly visit a person or place to arrest suspects or find illegal goods

cảnh sát đột kích

cảnh sát đột kích

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a mark made by the unique pattern of lines on the tip of a person's finger, can be used to find out who has committed a crime

in dấu tay

in dấu tay

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related to the use of scientific techniques when trying to know more about a crime

pháp y

pháp y

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[Tính từ]

(law) a specific supervised period of time outside prison granted to a criminal, given they do not break a law during this period

thời gian thử thách (đối với tội phạm)

thời gian thử thách (đối với tội phạm)

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official information that indicates a person has committed a crime

Hồ sơ tội phạm

Hồ sơ tội phạm

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a criminal hired to harm or threaten people

du côn

du côn

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death squad

a group of armed people who illegally kill supporters of an opposing political party or criminals

sat thủ

sat thủ

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someone who faithfully supports a person in power and is willing to do things for them that are illegal or violent

tay sai

tay sai

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hired gun

an individual who is paid to do something violent or immoral, particularly killing someone or protecting a powerful person

lính đánh giặc mướn

lính đánh giặc mướn

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gun for hire

an individual who does immoral or violent things for money

lính đánh giặc mướn

lính đánh giặc mướn

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a person who is skilled at shooting a gun and is hired to kill someone, used particularly in the past in the American Wild West

tay súng

tay súng

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breaking and entering

the crime of using force to illegally enter a building

nhập cảnh bất hợp pháp

nhập cảnh bất hợp pháp

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[Cụm từ]
to finger

to identify or point out someone as the person responsible for committing a crime or wrongdoing, often to law enforcement or other authorities

báo cáo ai đó cho cảnh sát

báo cáo ai đó cho cảnh sát

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