فهرست واژگان سطح C1 - قانون
در اینجا با چند لغت انگلیسی در مورد قانون و جنایت آشنا می شوید، مانند حمله، باج گیری، لیوان و غیره که برای زبان آموزان C1 آماده شده است.
املای کلمه
to forcefully take control of a vehicle, like an airplane, often to take hostages or change its course

to take someone away and hold them in captivity, typically to demand something for their release

آدمربایی کردن
to steal from someone by threatening them or using violence, particularly in a public place

زورگیری کردن, خفتگیری کردن
to force someone to have sex against their will, particularly by using violence or threatening them

تجاوز کردن
to illegally copy, use, or sell someone else's work or product, such as a book, song, etc.

غیرقانونی تکثیر کردن
to intentionally damage something, particularly public property

(اماکن یا اموال را) تخریب کردن
the crime of demanding money or benefits from someone by threatening to reveal secret or sensitive information about them

باجگیری, اخاذی
the action of intentionally making a person believe something that is untrue

فریبکاری, نیرنگ، حقهبازی
an illegal entry into a building by using force, particularly in order to steal something

ورود غیرقانونی
an amount of money or something of value given to someone in order to persuade them to do something that is illegal

the criminal act of making a copy of a document, money, etc. to do something illegal

جعل (نوعی جرم)
a mass murder committed in order to destroy a particular nation, religious or ethnic group, or race

a cybercrime in which someone tricks another into revealing their personal or financial information such as their passwords or bank account numbers and then using this information to steal money from them

an amount of money demanded or paid for the release of a person who is in captivity

پول (برای آزادی گروگان), باج
to hide a small microphone in a place or device in order to secretly listen to or record someone's conversations

شنود کار گذاشتن, شنود کردن
proof that indicates a person was somewhere other than the place where a crime took place and therefore could not have committed it

مدرک دال بر عدم حضور در صحنه جرم, مدرک دال بر عدم حضور در صحنه جرم
someone who murders an important person for money or religious or political reasons

قاتل, آدمکش
a formal statement made by a person admitting that they are guilty of a crime

اعتراف, اقرار
to carefully examine something to check its condition or make sure it meets standards

بازرسی کردن, بررسی کردن
using one's power or authority to do illegal things for personal gain or financial benefit

فاسد (از نظر اخلاقی)
(of police) to unexpectedly visit a person or place to arrest suspects or find illegal goods

شبیخون زدن, ناگهانی وارد شدن و جایی را گشتن
a mark made by the unique pattern of lines on the tip of a person's finger, can be used to find out who has committed a crime

اثر انگشت
related to the use of scientific techniques when trying to know more about a crime

(law) a specific supervised period of time outside prison granted to a criminal, given they do not break a law during this period

تعلیق مراقبتی
a group of armed people who illegally kill supporters of an opposing political party or criminals

جوخه مرگ
someone who faithfully supports a person in power and is willing to do things for them that are illegal or violent

مرید, جیرهخوار
an individual who is paid to do something violent or immoral, particularly killing someone or protecting a powerful person

a person who is skilled at shooting a gun and is hired to kill someone, used particularly in the past in the American Wild West

the crime of using force to illegally enter a building

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