
Từ Vựng Cần Thiết cho GRE - Xây dựng lâu đài trên không!

Tại đây bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh về kiến ​​trúc, chẳng hạn như "bungalow", "archway", "fixture", v.v. cần thiết cho kỳ thi GRE.


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Essential Words Needed for the GRE

an open building that is round or oval in shape and has a space in the middle surrounded by several seats, originated in ancient Roman and Greek architecture used for public entertainments such as sports or drama

hí trường

hí trường

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a large building or hall where people are gathered to attend a concert, public speech, play, etc.

phòng hội họp

phòng hội họp

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a factory in which a natural substance such as oil or sugar is made pure by removing all other substances from it

xưởng lọc dầu

xưởng lọc dầu

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a small structure, gallery, or summerhouse that usually has an open side and provides an excellent view

ngôi nhà mùa hè nhỏ

ngôi nhà mùa hè nhỏ

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a hut, shelter, or cabin, usually at a swimming pool or beach

túp lều

túp lều

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a building or a group of buildings in which individual units are owned privately, while common areas and facilities such as hallways, elevators, etc. are owned and managed by all residents

khu dân cư phức hợp

khu dân cư phức hợp

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a building for burning the dead bodies of people, often as a funeral ceremony

lò hỏa táng

lò hỏa táng

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a building with a dome in which moving images of planets, starts, and constellations are projected for educational or entertainment purposes

hành tinh hệ

hành tinh hệ

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a house, particularly found in New York City, that is built of, or with a front made of, a type of reddish-brown sandstone

đá nâu

đá nâu

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an apartment with two floors each with its own rooms connected by an internal staircase

nhà hai tầng

nhà hai tầng

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a one-story construction without stairs, usually with a low roof

biệt thự có hàng ba

biệt thự có hàng ba

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a school or college that people attend to for studying music, theater, or some other form of art

trường dạy âm nhạc

trường dạy âm nhạc

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a place that provides travelers with temporary accommodation

chỗ ở tạm thời

chỗ ở tạm thời

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a building later added to a main building in order to provide more space

phụ thuộc

phụ thuộc

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a long and narrow piece of wood attached to the bottom of the walls of a house

dụng cụ chơi banh

dụng cụ chơi banh

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a passage or entrance beneath an arch

có khung tò vò ở trên

có khung tò vò ở trên

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a wooden house with a steep sloping roof, often found in mountainous areas in Switzerland

bắt chước kiểu nhà

bắt chước kiểu nhà

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an ornamental border made of plaster or wood, often used around the top of a wall where it meets the ceiling

đường viền

đường viền

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en suite

a bathroom that is directly connected to a bedroom

phòng tắm riêng

phòng tắm riêng

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the front of a building, particularly one that is large and has an elegant appearance

mặt tiền (kiến trúc)

mặt tiền (kiến trúc)

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a piece of equipment such as a bath that is permanently affixed inside a house or building and people cannot take it out when they move out

bộ phận bất động

bộ phận bất động

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a small area inside the entrance of a private apartment or house, where people walk in immediately after they enter

quỉ quyệt

quỉ quyệt

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to furnish

to equip a room, house, etc. with furniture

[Động từ]

a house or shelter in the shape of a dome that is built from blocks of ice or hard snow

nhà tuyết

nhà tuyết

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a room that has one or more toilets

chậu rửa mặt

chậu rửa mặt

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the first floor above the ground floor in a theater where there are seats for the audience

gác lửng

gác lửng

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a narrow piece of plaster, wood, or other material, used as decoration along the top of a wall, around a door, etc.

sự đúc bằng khuôn

sự đúc bằng khuôn

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a cupboard or small room, often next to kitchen, used for keeping food in

chổ chứa đồ ăn

chổ chứa đồ ăn

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a structure with a roof and no walls at the entrance of a house



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a roofed area with an open front at the ground level, which is attached to the side of a house

hiên (kiến trúc)

hiên (kiến trúc)

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the way a room or building's interior is decorated

đồ trần thiết

đồ trần thiết

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situated next to or near something

liền kề

liền kề

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[Tính từ]

a large area typically with glass walls or roof in the middle of a building such a shopping center

tâm nhĩ (kiến trúc)

tâm nhĩ (kiến trúc)

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a shelter equipped with strong walls, often built underground, to protect soldiers or guns



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a row of columns having equal distance from each other, often supporting a roof or arch

dãy cột

dãy cột

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(of a building, vehicle, furniture, etc.) old and in a poor condition

đổ nát

đổ nát

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to erect

to build or assemble a structure or object in an upright position

dựng đứng lên

dựng đứng lên

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[Động từ]

(of buildings) having many floors

cao tầng

cao tầng

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the materials that are used to cover something in order not to let heat, electricity, or sound to enter or escape through it

sự cách điện

sự cách điện

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a platform or floor that has a design that looks like a ship's deck



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