
Nhân Văn ACT - Văn học và Văn hóa

Tại đây, bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh liên quan đến văn học và văn hóa, chẳng hạn như "elegy", "satirical", "memoir", v.v. sẽ giúp bạn đạt thành tích cao trong bài thi ACT của mình.


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ACT Vocabulary for Humanities
free verse

a type of verse without rhyme that has an irregular rhythm

thơ tự do

thơ tự do

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a series of lines in a poem, usually with recurring rhyme scheme and meter

bài thơ

bài thơ

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a verse of Italian origin that has 14 lines, usually in an iambic pentameter and a prescribed rhyme scheme

bài thơ mười bốn câu

bài thơ mười bốn câu

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spoken or written language in its usual form, in contrast to poetry

văn xuôi

văn xuôi

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a tale that is narrated in the form of a song or poem

bài hát có hai đoạn

bài hát có hai đoạn

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a literary and rhetorical device that involves repeating words or phrases in successive clauses or sentences, but in reverse order

chất chống chuyển hóa

chất chống chuyển hóa

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the practice of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas, objects, etc. in literature or art

sự nhân cách hóa

sự nhân cách hóa

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a statement that implies or indirectly mentions something or someone else, especially as a literary device

lời ám chỉ

lời ám chỉ

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(of a story, play, image, etc.) using characters or events in a symbolic sense that represent a concept, quality, etc.

ngụ ngôn

ngụ ngôn

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a clever or amusing use of words that takes advantage of the multiple meanings or interpretations that it has

lời nói cợt

lời nói cợt

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a figure of speech that compares two unrelated things to highlight their similarities and convey a deeper meaning

phép ẩn ý

phép ẩn ý

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a word or phrase that compares two things or people, highlighting the similarities, often introduced by 'like' or 'as'

sự so sánh (văn học)

sự so sánh (văn học)

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a form of humor in which the words that someone says mean the opposite, producing an emphatic effect

sự mỉa mai

sự mỉa mai

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marks and notes written in the margins of a book or document

lời chú giải ở bìa

lời chú giải ở bìa

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a written account of a person's own life experiences or a particular period in their life

bút ký

bút ký

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the story of the life of a person, written by the same person

tự truyện

tự truyện

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graphic novel

a book that combines illustrations and storytelling to convey a narrative, often in a sequential art format

cuốn tiểu thuyết đồ họa

cuốn tiểu thuyết đồ họa

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a collection of selected writings by various authors, often on a similar theme or subject

văn tuyển

văn tuyển

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a handwritten or typed document that has not yet been published or printed, often used to refer to an author's draft of a book or other literary work

bản thảo

bản thảo

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intending to mock, ridicule, or criticize a person, group, or society in a humorous or exaggerated way

châm biếm

châm biếm

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a short piece taken from a longer composition

đoạn văn trích ra

đoạn văn trích ra

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a roll of parchment, paper, or other material containing writing or images, often used for historical or religious texts

cuộn giấy

cuộn giấy

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(grammar) a phrase or word used suddenly to express a particular emotion

sự đặt vào giữa

sự đặt vào giữa

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the general manner or attitude of the author in a literary work

âm điệu

âm điệu

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a recognized collection of authoritative books, texts, or works within a particular field or tradition, especially in religion

tuyển tập tác phẩm (tôn giáo)

tuyển tập tác phẩm (tôn giáo)

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the main character in a movie, novel, TV show, etc.

nhân vật chính (điện ảnh)

nhân vật chính (điện ảnh)

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the main female character in a story, book, film, etc., typically known for great qualities

nữ anh hùng

nữ anh hùng

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figurative language

the use of words and expressions that are not meant to be taken literally, but rather to create a vivid, imaginative image or effect in the reader's mind

biểu hiệu ngôn ngữ

biểu hiệu ngôn ngữ

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exaggerated or overly emotional in a theatrical or sensational way

quá xúc động hoặc phóng đại

quá xúc động hoặc phóng đại

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dime novel

a cheap paperback novel often featuring an adventure or melodramatic story

tiểu thuyết đồng xu

tiểu thuyết đồng xu

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to fictionalize

to turn real events or situations into a tale or story, often by changing or adding to the details

hư cấu

hư cấu

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the events that have happened to a character before their story in a book, movie, etc. begins

cốt truyện

cốt truyện

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an author whose work is published under someone else's name

người viết mướn

người viết mướn

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a decorative element or symbol carved or inscribed onto a surface

hình tượng

hình tượng

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(linguistics) the way in which words and phrases are arranged to form grammatical sentences in a language

cú pháp (ngôn ngữ học)

cú pháp (ngôn ngữ học)

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the spoken form of a language specific to a certain region or people which is slightly different from the standard form in words and grammar

ngôn ngữ của một vùng

ngôn ngữ của một vùng

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(phonetics) the rising and falling of the voice when speaking

ngữ điệu (ngữ âm)

ngữ điệu (ngữ âm)

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an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of a group of words, which can be pronounced as a word

từ viết tắt

từ viết tắt

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a type of abbreviation where the first letter of each word in a phrase or name is used to form a pronounceable acronym-like string of letters

chủ nghĩa ban đầu

chủ nghĩa ban đầu

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the study of the origins and historical developments of words and their meanings

ngữ nguyên học

ngữ nguyên học

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an expert in the study of language, examining its structure, development, and cultural aspects

ngôn ngữ học

ngôn ngữ học

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a collection of ancient myths, particularly one that belongs to a group of people and their history, etc.

chuyện thần thoại

chuyện thần thoại

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a mythological creature in Greek mythology, typically depicted as a fire-breathing creature with the body and head of a lion, the head of a goat protruding from its back, and a serpent for a tail

điều ảo huyền

điều ảo huyền

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a legendary reptile, often depicted as having a deadly gaze or venomous breath

kỳ đà

kỳ đà

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an absurd or comically exaggerated replication of a literary or dramatic work

khôi hài

khôi hài

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the traditional beliefs, customs, stories, and legends of a particular community, usually passed down through generations by word of mouth

phong tục học

phong tục học

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a way of behaving or of doing something that is widely accepted in a society or among a specific group of people

khách hàng

khách hàng

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collective knowledge, traditions, beliefs, and stories passed down within a culture or community, typically through storytelling

học thức

học thức

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a song or poem expressing sadness, especially in the memory of a dead person or a bitter event in the past

bài hát bi thán

bài hát bi thán

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an individual's religious or ethnic background that is passed down to them from their ancestors

di sản

di sản

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(of traditions, practices, or customs) respected and followed for a long time because of their enduring value or significance

được tôn vinh theo thời gian

được tôn vinh theo thời gian

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a group within a larger culture that shares distinctive values, norms, and behaviors, often differing from those of the dominant culture

tiểu văn hóa

tiểu văn hóa

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a renewed period of growth, popularity, or significance, particularly in cultural, artistic, or economic contexts

tái sinh

tái sinh

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