
Sức Khỏe và Bệnh Tật - Các loại chấn thương

Tại đây bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh liên quan đến các loại chấn thương khác nhau như “bầm tím”, “gãy xương” và “bong gân”.


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Bắt đầu học
Words Related to Health and Sickness

an unexpected and unpleasant event that happens by chance, usually causing damage or injury

bất ngờ

bất ngờ

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a wound made by an animal's teeth or insect

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black eye

an area of bruised skin surrounding the eye caused by a blow or injury

vết bầm tím do bị đánh vào mắt

vết bầm tím do bị đánh vào mắt

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a fracture in a hard tissue, such as bone

chổ gãy

chổ gãy

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an injury on the skin that appears as a dark mark, caused by a blow involving the rupture of vessels underneath

chổ móp

chổ móp

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an injury inflicted to the body especially one that seriously damages the skin or the flesh

làm phật ý

làm phật ý

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a minor injury where the top layer of skin gets rubbed or scratched off

cảnh khó khăn

cảnh khó khăn

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a painful injury resulting in the sudden twist of a bone or joint, particularly one's wrist or ankles

chổ trặc xương

chổ trặc xương

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a crack or break in a bone or other hard substance

chổ gãy

chổ gãy

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stress fracture

a small crack in a bone, typically caused by repetitive stress or overuse of the affected area

gãy xương căng thẳng

gãy xương căng thẳng

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compound fracture

a bone break that involves the bone piercing through the skin

gãy xương phức hợp

gãy xương phức hợp

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a swelling on the body caused by illness or injury

cái xóc

cái xóc

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a mark or injury that is caused by exposure to fire, acid, heat, etc.



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a region in an organ or tissue that has suffered damage through injury, disease, or other causes

làm phật ý

làm phật ý

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a severe injury that causes an internal organ or soft tissue to break or tear suddenly

bịnh bướu nhọt

bịnh bướu nhọt

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first-degree burn

a mild burn that only affects the outer layer of the skin

bỏng cấp độ một

bỏng cấp độ một

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second-degree burn

a burn that affects the first and second layers of the skin and appears red, blistered, and can be swollen and extremely painful

bỏng cấp độ hai

bỏng cấp độ hai

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third-degree burn

a deep and severe burn, caused by contact with heat, radiation, or chemicals, that destroys both epidermis and dermis

bỏng độ ba

bỏng độ ba

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the act of walking with difficulty or a pronounced limp due to pain, stiffness, or impairment in the legs or feet

khập khểnh

khập khểnh

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a strain or tear in a muscle due to excessive force, resulting in pain and limited movement

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a dry, protective crust that forms over a healing wound as part of the body's natural healing process

bịnh ghẻ

bịnh ghẻ

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a first degree burn resulting from hot liquid or steam

chổ phỏng

chổ phỏng

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a mark that is left on one's skin after a wound or cut has healed

sẹo da

sẹo da

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a break or opening in the skin or flesh, often caused by a sharp object or injury



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a small cut on the skin caused by something sharp, like a fingernail, thorn, or rough surface

đường rạch

đường rạch

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a painful infliction caused by a small sharp and pointed organ that some insects have and use to penetrate the prey and inject poison

lông ngứa

lông ngứa

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an injury to a muscle or tendon often caused by overexertion

bang gân

bang gân

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a momentary loss of consciousness provoked by a hard blow on the head

sự rung chuyển

sự rung chuyển

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an injury that leaves a bruise and causes extreme pain but does not break the skin tissue

sự đụng giập

sự đụng giập

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whiplash injury

a neck injury caused by one's neck bending forward and back suddenly and forcefully

chấn thương roi vọt

chấn thương roi vọt

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the painful result of getting a body part compressed or squeezed between two objects

cái nhéo

cái nhéo

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cauliflower ear

a deformity of the outer ear caused by repeated trauma, particularly common in contact sports like wrestling and boxing

tai súp lơ

tai súp lơ

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a lesion or sore on the skin that might bleed or even produce a poisonous substance

ung loét

ung loét

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