
Từ Vựng cho IELTS (Học Thuật) - Vật lý

Tại đây bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh về vật lý, chẳng hạn như “charge”, “radiation”, “flexible”, v.v. cần thiết cho kỳ thi IELTS.


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Words for Academic IELTS
to bend

to make something straight become curved or folded

uốn cái gì đó

uốn cái gì đó

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a large solid piece of material that is square or rectangular in shape and has flat sides

[Danh từ]

the physical property in matter that causes it to experience a force in an electromagnetic field

điện tích (electron)

điện tích (electron)

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[Danh từ]

(physics) an effect that causes a body to move or change direction

ảnh hưởng

ảnh hưởng

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[Danh từ]

describing weapons that are powered by the energy produced either from nuclear fission or a combination of fusion and fission reactions

hạt nhân

hạt nhân

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an individual who is trained in physics

nhà vật lý học

nhà vật lý học

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[Danh từ]

(physics) the particular type of movement of light and sound that is a kind of oscillation, by which energy but not matter is transfered



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to activate

to make something such as a process, piece of equipment, etc. start working

hoạt động

hoạt động

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(science) the smallest part of a chemical element that is found in the nature

nguyên tử

nguyên tử

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[Danh từ]

real and tangible, existing in physical form that can be sensed or experienced

bê tông

bê tông

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[Tính từ]

capable of bending easily without breaking

linh hoạt

linh hoạt

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[Tính từ]

(physics) the space or area within which the effect of a particular force exists

trường (từ trường, v.v.)

trường (từ trường, v.v.)

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[Danh từ]
to contract

to become smaller, narrower, or tighter

đính ước

đính ước

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to crack

to break on the surface without falling into separate pieces

trở nên nứt

trở nên nứt

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a physical substance that occupies space and exists in every material in the universe



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[Danh từ]

(physics) the amount of force exerted per area that is measured in pascal, newton per square meter, etc.

áp lực

áp lực

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the process or act of moving or changing place

cử động

cử động

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[Danh từ]

the energy transmitted in the form of particles or waves through the space or a matter

truyền năng lượng

truyền năng lượng

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[Danh từ]
to react

(physics) to be subject to physical or chemical change

phản động lại

phản động lại

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to accelerate

to increase the velocity of something

làm cho đi mau

làm cho đi mau

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to bond

(chemistry) to merge or be merged by a chemical bond

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to circulate

(of gas, air, or liquid) to constantly move around inside a closed area

lưu thông

lưu thông

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(physics) the degree to which a substance is compacted, measured by dividing its mass by its volume

năng lượng

năng lượng

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[Danh từ]

(physics) a source of power that is required to do any work that may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal and other forms

cơ năng

cơ năng

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(physics) a nuclear reaction by which the nuclei of atoms combine and form a heavier nucleus, producing nuclear energy

hợp nhứt

hợp nhứt

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the number of times an event recurs in a unit of time

sự lặp lại

sự lặp lại

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(physics) the universal force of attraction between any pair of objects with mass

trọng lực của trái đất

trọng lực của trái đất

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(physics) the property of matter that gives it weight in a gravitational field and is a measure of its inertia

khối lượng (vật lý)

khối lượng (vật lý)

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[Danh từ]

produced by or relating to magnetism

từ tính

từ tính

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[Tính từ]
to reinforce

to strengthen a substance or structure, particularly by adding extra material to it

kiên cố thêm

kiên cố thêm

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