the first card played by a player at the beginning of a trick, which sets the suit for that trick and determines the order in which other players must play their cards

主导牌, 第一张牌

(bridge) the process by which players bid on the right to name the trump suit and the number of tricks they expect to take in a particular hand

拍卖, 竞标

(bridge) the process by which players communicate information about their hand to their partner and determine the contract for the hand

竞标, 出价

(contract bridge) an agreement that determines the trump suit and the number of tricks a team must win to score points

合同, 桥牌合同

the partner of the declarer in a bridge game, whose hand is displayed face-up on the table for all players to see after the opening lead

傀儡, 揭示者的手

a technique of attempting to win a trick with a lower card than an opponent's higher card in a particular suit


any of the top four cards (ace, king, queen, and jack) in a particular suit that are considered to be the strongest cards in that suit

荣誉, 荣誉牌

a bidding convention used by the responder to show a five-card or longer major suit and to transfer the bid to the next higher ranking suit, usually at the 2-level, forcing the opener to bid the suit

雅可比转移, 雅可比约定

(bridge) either the hearts or spades suits, which are considered stronger than the minor suits (diamonds and clubs) because they have more high-ranking cards

主牌, 大牌

(bridge) either the diamonds or clubs suits, which are considered weaker than the major suits (hearts and spades) because they have fewer high-ranking cards

小花色, 弱花色

a bid made by the declarer that specifies no trump suit and indicates that the declarer intends to win tricks using only the strength and distribution of the cards, without relying on any particular suit

无将牌, 不带将牌的出价

the points or score awarded to the defending side when they successfully prevent the declarer from making their bid

惩罚, 罚分

the partner of the opening bidder who makes the first bid after the opening bid and provides additional information about their hand to the opening bidder

应答者, 合作伙伴

a series of games in which one partnership must win two games, with the total score determining the winner

拉巴游戏, 决胜局

a bidding system used by the responder to ask the opener if they have a four-card major suit, typically either hearts or spades, after an opening bid of 1NT

斯特曼约定, 斯特曼系统

a situation where a player has no cards in a particular suit, which means they cannot follow suit in that suit and must play a card from another suit instead

空缺, 缺失

a suit in which a player holds a large number of cards, typically at least five or more, which can be an advantage in playing and winning tricks in that suit

长牌, 长套装

a suit in which a player holds a small number of cards, typically fewer than three, which can be a disadvantage in playing and winning tricks in that suit

短花色, 少量牌

a contract bid in which the declarer aims to win all thirteen tricks, that is, to take all the remaining tricks after the opening lead

大满贯, slam合同

a contract bid in which the declarer aims to win all thirteen tricks, that is, to take all the remaining tricks after the opening lead, using the trump suit as the primary weapon

大满贯, 满贯

(in bridge, whist, or other similar card games) to successfully fulfill their contract by taking the required number of tricks

完成, 达到

the number of tricks won by the declarer that are over and above the number of tricks required to fulfill their contract

奇数技巧, 额外技巧

a trick won by the declarer in excess of the number of tricks required to fulfill their contract

超额招数, 额外技巧

the number of tricks that the declarer fails to take in attempting to fulfill their contract, and they can result in penalties for the declarer's side

失误, 不足

a penalty or negative score incurred when a player exceeds a certain number of tricks or points that they initially bid or predicted to win during the game

罚分, 包

a series of cards with decreasing numbers, all of the same suit, that comes after the main set of cards

反跑, 递减系列

a scoring system used in duplicate bridge tournaments that assigns points based on the margin of victory for each deal, with one IMP typically awarded for every 20 points scored above the opponents' result

国际比赛点, 国际比赛积分系统

to fail to follow suit when a player should have, violating the rules of the card game being played

不跟随, 不参与

in card games, particularly in games like Spades, refers to the act of bidding zero tricks and attempting to win no tricks during a round

尼尔, 零

to play a trump card in a trick-taking game when unable to follow suit, usually with the intention of winning the trick or avoiding losing a higher-value card

打王牌, 用王牌