
Verbs of Senses and Emotions - Verbs for Expressing Emotions

Here you will learn some English verbs referring to expressing emotions such as "vent", "admit", and "open up".









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Categorized English Verbs of Senses and Emotions
to admit

to agree with the truth of something, particularly in an unwilling manner

to open up

to share or express one's personal thoughts, emotions, or experiences with someone else

to pour out

to freely express one's deep emotions, thoughts, or feelings

to confide

to share personal thoughts, feelings, or information with someone in private

to avow

to openly and confidently admit or declare something

to vent

to strongly express one's feelings, particularly one's anger

to own up

to confess and take responsibility for one's wrong actions

to concede

to reluctantly admit that something is true after denying it first

to dissemble

to conceal one's true emotions, beliefs, or intentions

to harbor

to keep a thought, feeling, or emotion to oneself without expressing it openly

to nurse

to carefully hold and nurture a thought, feeling, or theory within oneself over time without expressing them openly

to hold in

to suppress the expression of one's feelings

to keep in

to suppress one's emotions or feelings

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