
Seznam Slovíček Úrovně C1 - Military

Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovíčka o armádě, jako je „deploy“, „raid“, „militant“ atd. připravená pro studenty C1.









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CEFR C1 Vocabulary

an extremely brutal act, especially in war

atrocita, zrůdnost

atrocita, zrůdnost

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the highest-ranking officer in a fleet



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a high-ranking officer in the army, marine corps, or air force, whose rank is between a lieutenant colonel and brigadier general



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a very high-ranking officer in the army, the US air force or the marines



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a middle-ranking officer in the armed forces



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a former member of the armed forces who has fought in a war

veterán, bývalý voják

veterán, bývalý voják

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to assassinate

to murder a prominent figure in a sudden attack, usually for political purposes

zavraždit, usmrtit

zavraždit, usmrtit

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to blast

to violently damage or destroy something using explosives

vyhodit do povětří, zničit

vyhodit do povětří, zničit

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to blow up

to cause something to explode

vybuchnout, zawář

vybuchnout, zawář

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to bombard

to drop bombs on someone or something continuously

bombardovat, ostřelovat

bombardovat, ostřelovat

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to charge

to attack violently and suddenly in a battle

zaútočit, útočit

zaútočit, útočit

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to conquer

to gain control of a place or people using armed forces

dobýt, ovládnout

dobýt, ovládnout

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to deploy

to position soldiers or equipment for military action

nasadit, umístit

nasadit, umístit

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to evacuate

(of armed forces) to empty a dangerous place

evakuovat, vyklidit

evakuovat, vyklidit

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to execute

to kill someone, especially as a legal penalty

popravit, vykonat (jako sloveso)

popravit, vykonat (jako sloveso)

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to mobilize

(of a state) to organize and prepare for a military operation

mobilizovat, připravit k akci

mobilizovat, připravit k akci

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to surrender

to give up resistance or stop fighting against an enemy or opponent

kapitulovat, vzdát se

kapitulovat, vzdát se

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to retreat

(of military) to move away in order to escape the danger because one has been defeated or is weak

ustoupit, zneškodnit

ustoupit, zneškodnit

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a person who participates in irregular fighting as a member of an unofficial military group

guerrillový bojovník, guerrillová bojovnice

guerrillový bojovník, guerrillová bojovnice

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a military group consisting of civilians who have been trained as soldiers to help the army in emergencies

milice, domobrana

milice, domobrana

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displaying violent acts for the sake of a social or political aim

militantní, bojovný

militantní, bojovný

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relating to the armed forces that operate at seas or waters in general

námořní, námořnictvo

námořní, námořnictvo

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relating to a person who is not a member of the military or police force and does not hold an official position in the government

civilní, civilistní

civilní, civilistní

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designed or used in a way that provides a person or thing with protection against attack

obranný, defenzivní

obranný, defenzivní

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having the potential to cause sudden and violent release of energy or force

explozivní, exploziv

explozivní, exploziv

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a nuclear weapon with great destruction power which is released due to the fission of heavy atoms

atomová bomba, jaderná zbraň

atomová bomba, jaderná zbraň

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a long gun suitable for shooting a target over long distances, which is held along shoulder while aiming the target

opuštěná, puška

opuštěná, puška

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a group of ships under the command of one high-ranking officer

flotila, eskadra

flotila, eskadra

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a surprise attack against a place or a group of people

nájezd, raida

nájezd, raida

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an order or law that prohibits people from going outside after a specific time, particularly at night

zákaz vycházení

zákaz vycházení

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someone held prisoner by a person or group who will be set free if the demands of that person or group are met



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the act of making someone suffer very much so that they do what one wants

mučení, týrání

mučení, týrání

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the act of invading and controlling a country, city, etc.

okupace, vstup

okupace, vstup

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a long narrow hole dug in the ground in which soldiers move and are protected from enemy fire

příkop, jáma

příkop, jáma

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an agreement according to which enemies or opponents stop fighting each other for a specific period of time

příměří, dočasný klid

příměří, dočasný klid

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to arm

to provide individuals or groups with weapons, ensuring they have the necessary equipment for defense or offense

ozbrojit, vybavit

ozbrojit, vybavit

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involvement in war, particularly using certain methods or weapons

válka, válečné operace

válka, válečné operace

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machine gun

a gun that automatically and rapidly fires a succession of bullets upon pressing the trigger

kulomet, automat

kulomet, automat

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the action of transferring people or being transferred to somewhere else to be safe from a dangerous situation

evakuace, přesun

evakuace, přesun

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an order, particularly given by someone in a position of authority

příkaz, command

příkaz, command

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(of a soldier) having left one's military duty without being permitted to do so

dezerter, bez povolení

dezerter, bez povolení

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ground zero

the exact location of a nuclear explosion

nula, epicentrum

nula, epicentrum

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a member of an armed force who is specifically trained to fire large guns

dělostřelec, střelec

dělostřelec, střelec

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a tube-like weapon through which an arrow is shot if someone breathes in it forcefully

foukací puška, trubicová zbraň

foukací puška, trubicová zbraň

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submachine gun

an automatic gun that is not heavy and can be easily held and carried by hand

pistole, kulomet

pistole, kulomet

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to station

to send a person to a particular place in order to carry out a duty, particularly a military person

umístit, zadat

umístit, zadat

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the part of a gun containing its bullets

zásobník, magazín

zásobník, magazín

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big heavy guns that are attached on top of moving wheels or tracks



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nuclear deterrent

a nuclear weapon of a country that is very powerful and serves as a protection against other countries' attacks

jaderné odstrašení, jaderná zbraň jako odstrašující prostředek

jaderné odstrašení, jaderná zbraň jako odstrašující prostředek

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nerve agent

a poisonous chemical that is damaging to the nervous system and is used as a war weapon

nervový agent, nervová látka

nervový agent, nervová látka

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nerve gas

a toxic chemical substance that interferes with the normal functioning of the nervous system

nervový plyn, neurotoxin

nervový plyn, neurotoxin

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used as a confirmation message in radio communication to indicate that a message has been received and understood

Přijato, Rozumím

Přijato, Rozumím

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a radio code used in two-way radio communication as an affirmative response or an indication of understanding

rozumím, souhlasím

rozumím, souhlasím

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martial law

a situation where the military becomes in charge of a country, replacing regular laws with their own rule, in order to maintain order during times of crisis or disturbance

vojenský stav, mimořádný vojenský stav

vojenský stav, mimořádný vojenský stav

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to discharge

to make someone leave the armed forces or police and relieving them from their duties

propuštění, uvolnění

propuštění, uvolnění

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