
Kniha English File - Pokročilý - Lekce 5B

Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 5B v učebnici English File Advanced, jako je „vklad“, „rozpočet“, „inflace“ atd.









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something that we use to buy and sell goods and services, can be in the form of coins or paper bills

peníze, hotovost

peníze, hotovost

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money does not grow on trees

used to imply that money is not easily obtained or available, and one should not waste it unnecessarily


spending or giving money reluctantly

lakomý, šetřivý

lakomý, šetřivý

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an arm and (a) leg

a large sum of money

to make (both) ends meet

to make enough money to pay for one's basic needs

in the red

in debt due to spending more than one's earnings

in the black

used to refer to something, particularly a bank account, that is providing one with a considerable amount of profit


something that costs a lot more than its real value

podvod, okrádání

podvod, okrádání

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to tighten one's belt

to lessen the amount of money or resources one uses compared to before, particularly due to having less available

to live beyond one's means

to spend in a way that exceeds one's income


the sum of money that is available to a person, an organization, etc. for a particular purpose and the plan according to which it will be spent

rozpočet, finanční plán

rozpočet, finanční plán

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a sum of money that is paid before paying a total amount, particularly when buying something that is expensive

záloha, depozit

záloha, depozit

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something that is voluntarily given to someone or an organization to help them, such as money, food, etc.

dar, dárek

dar, dárek

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the amount of money we pay to travel with a bus, taxi, plane, etc.

jízdné, cena jízdenky

jízdné, cena jízdenky

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the money that is paid to a professional or an organization for their services

poplatek, honorář

poplatek, honorář

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an amount of money that must be paid as a legal punishment

pokuta, peněžitý trest

pokuta, peněžitý trest

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an amount of money given by the government or another organization for a specific purpose

dotace, příspěvek

dotace, příspěvek

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a sum of money that is borrowed from a bank which should be returned with a certain rate of interest

půjčka, úvěr

půjčka, úvěr

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lump sum

a single, large payment made in full, instead of smaller payments made over time

jednorázová platba, celková částka

jednorázová platba, celková částka

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(plural) another way of saying quotation marks

uvozovky, citace

uvozovky, citace

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a person's intention or desire, especially one that is strong or persistent

vůle, přání

vůle, přání

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people in general, considered as an extensive and organized group sharing the same laws



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someone who buys and uses services or goods

spotřebitel, spotřebitelka

spotřebitel, spotřebitelka

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standard of living

the level of wealth, welfare, comfort, and necessities available to an individual, group, country, etc.


the money that is regularly earned from a job or through an investment

příjem, zisk

příjem, zisk

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the ongoing increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time



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cost of living

the amount of money required to maintain basic needs and expenses in a particular place or location

to afford

to be able to pay the cost of something

dovolit si, moci si dovolit

dovolit si, moci si dovolit

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to manage

to control or handle something in a skillful or effective way

řídit, spravovat

řídit, spravovat

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an arrangement according to which a bank keeps and protects someone's money that can be taken out or added to

účet, bankovní účet

účet, bankovní účet

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the number showing the difference between the debit and credit sums of an account

zůstatek, rovnováha

zůstatek, rovnováha

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the act of moving someone or something from one place, person, or situation to another

převod, transfer

převod, transfer

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an amount of money that is paid for something

platba, splátka

platba, splátka

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interest rate

the amount that a lender charges a borrower for the use of money, typically calculated based on the amount of the loan and the length of the borrowing period

úroková sazba, sazba úroku

úroková sazba, sazba úroku

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an amount of money or a favor that is owed



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an official contract or arrangement by which a bank gives money to someone as a loan to buy a house and the person agrees to repay the loan over a specified period, usually with interest

hypotéka, úvěr na bydlení

hypotéka, úvěr na bydlení

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the act of dividing or distributing something among a group of people

podíl, část

podíl, část

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stock market

the business of trading and exchanging shares of different companies

akciový trh, burza

akciový trh, burza

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the type or system of money that is used by a country

měna, valuta

měna, valuta

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exchange rate

the value of a country's currency compared to another country's currency

směnný kurz, kurz

směnný kurz, kurz

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(of organizations or people) legally declared as unable to pay their debts to creditors

bankrot, v úpadku

bankrot, v úpadku

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a hard time in a country's economy characterized by a reduction in employment, production, and trade



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owning a great amount of money or things that cost a lot

bohatý, majetný

bohatý, majetný

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possessing a great amount of riches and material goods

zámožný, bohatý

zámožný, bohatý

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having a lot of money or financial resources

naložený, majetný

naložený, majetný

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having a large amount of money or valuable possessions

bohatý, majetný

bohatý, majetný

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having enough money to cover one's expenses and maintain a desirable lifestyle

majetný, zámožný

majetný, zámožný

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owning a very small amount of money or a very small number of things

chudý, nuzný

chudý, nuzný

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having little or no financial resources

bez peněz, chudý

bez peněz, chudý

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hard up

experiencing financial difficulties, often lacking money to cover basic expenses

v nouzi, chudý

v nouzi, chudý

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having no money or financial resources

bez peněz, chudý

bez peněz, chudý

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a thousand units of a currency

tisíc, grand

tisíc, grand

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one dollar

dolar, baks

dolar, baks

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the currency of the United Kingdom, equivalent to one hundred pence

libra, sterling

libra, sterling

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a piece of paper money worth five dollars that you can use to buy things

pěticolonová bankovka, bankovka pět dolarů

pěticolonová bankovka, bankovka pět dolarů

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a banknote with a value of ten units of a currency, typically ten pounds or ten dollars

desítka, bankovka deseti

desítka, bankovka deseti

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a part of a larger sum of money that is paid in a scheduled series of payments over a specified period of time

splátka, částka

splátka, částka

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