
Pokročilá Slovní Zásoba pro TOEFL - Svět počítačů

Zde se dozvíte některá anglická slovíčka o počítačovém světě, jako je „binary“, „boot“, „cpu“ atd., která jsou potřebná ke zkoušce TOEFL.









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the non-physical space in which communication over computer networks takes place

kyberprostor, virtuální prostor

kyberprostor, virtuální prostor

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relating to or using signals in which information is represented through constant changing of physical quantities

analogový, analogový (vztahující se na signály)

analogový, analogový (vztahující se na signály)

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based on or using a numerical system that operates only on 0 and 1

binární, dvojkový

binární, dvojkový

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to archive

(computing) to move important information or information that is not often needed to a different disk, tape, or another computer to store it, sometimes as a security measure

archivovat, uložit

archivovat, uložit

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(computing) a copy of computer data that can be used to restore lost or damaged data



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the symbol (\), used in some computer commands

zpětný lomítko, obrácené lomítko

zpětný lomítko, obrácené lomítko

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(in a computer, phone, etc.) a key on the keyboard used to erase the last letter or go backward

klávesa Backspace, mazací klávesa

klávesa Backspace, mazací klávesa

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function key

each of the several keys at the top of a computer keyboard marked with (F) and a number that make the computer perform particular operations

funkční klávesa, tlačítko funkce

funkční klávesa, tlačítko funkce

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to boot

to start a computer, typically involves setting up hardware elements to prepare the computer for use

spustit, nahrát

spustit, nahrát

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a computer program that automatically performs tasks over the internet

bot, robot

bot, robot

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(computing) a type of computer memory in which information that is often in use can be stored temporarily, a cache can be accessed quickly and is needed while a program is running

cache, mezipaměť

cache, mezipaměť

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(computing) a temporary storage area for data that has been copied or cut

schránka, clipboard

schránka, clipboard

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a unit for measuring the size of computer data that equals 8 bits



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(in electronic devices such as computers, etc.) the main printed circuit board that makes it possible for all the parts of a computer to communicate

základní deska, matková deska

základní deska, matková deska

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belonging, relating to, or controlled by the main circuit board of a computer

na desce, integrovaný

na desce, integrovaný

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the smallest unit of an image on the screen that collectively can form a whole image



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disk drive

a device that allows the computer to read the data on a computer disk and transfer data to or from it

disková jednotka, pevný disk

disková jednotka, pevný disk

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a software that controls the interaction between a computer and another equipment, such as a printer or scanner

ovladač, driver

ovladač, driver

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clock speed

the speed at which a computer can process information, expressed in (MHz)

frekvence taktovací, taktovací rychlost

frekvence taktovací, taktovací rychlost

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(computing) a type of software stored in a way that it cannot be modified or erased

firmware, vestavěný software

firmware, vestavěný software

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a software designed to disrupt or damage the computer without the user knowing

malware, škodlivý software

malware, škodlivý software

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the ability of a computer, software, or equipment to work with another device or software

kompatibilita, shoda

kompatibilita, shoda

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the set-up, hardware, and software of a computer that makes a complete system

konfigurace, uspořádání

konfigurace, uspořádání

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to debug

(computing) to detect and remove faults in a software

odstraňovat chyby, debugovat

odstraňovat chyby, debugovat

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to format

(computing) to prepare a storage device, such as a hard drive or USB, for use by deleting all the data on it and setting it up for a specific file system

formátovat, připravit

formátovat, připravit

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back end

a part of a computer responsible for storing and controlling data where users cannot easily access

backend, zadní část

backend, zadní část

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front end

a part of a computer that is easily accessible and one uses constantly

uživatelské rozhraní, přední část

uživatelské rozhraní, přední část

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(computing) the program through which a user can interact with a computer, especially its design and appearance

uživatelské rozhraní

uživatelské rozhraní

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an adjustment of the codes of a computer program that solves a problem in a quick way

hack, úprava

hack, úprava

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to encode

to transform data into a coded form

kódovat, šifrovat

kódovat, šifrovat

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to encrypt

to convert data or information into a coded form, mainly to prevent unauthorized access

šifrovat, kódovat

šifrovat, kódovat

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describing the constant passage of data between a computer or other device and a user

interaktivní, interaktivní

interaktivní, interaktivní

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to time out

(computing) to cancel an operation or to turn off the computer automatically because a predefined interval of time has passed without a certain event happening

vypršet, zrušit

vypršet, zrušit

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(computing) describing a computer program whose source code is available to everyone

otevřený zdroj, open source

otevřený zdroj, open source

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local area network

a network for communication between computers, usually within a building


an electronic device that uses telephone lines to send and receive data between two computers



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graphical user interface

the visual interaction that users have with the computer through icons, menus, etc.

grafické uživatelské rozhraní, uživatelské rozhraní grafické

grafické uživatelské rozhraní, uživatelské rozhraní grafické

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central processing unit

the part of a computer where operations are controlled and executed

centrální procesor, CPU (centrální procesor)

centrální procesor, CPU (centrální procesor)

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an electronic device that connects computer networks and sends data between networks



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