
Từ Vựng Nâng Cao cho TOEFL - Thế giới máy tính

Tại đây bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh về thế giới máy tính, chẳng hạn như "binary", "boot", "cpu", v.v. cần thiết cho kỳ thi TOEFL.


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Advanced Words Needed for TOEFL

the non-physical space in which communication over computer networks takes place

không gian mạng

không gian mạng

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relating to or using signals in which information is represented through constant changing of physical quantities

tương tự

tương tự

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[Tính từ]

based on or using a numerical system that operates only on 0 and 1

nhị phân

nhị phân

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[Tính từ]
to archive

(computing) to move important information or information that is not often needed to a different disk, tape, or another computer to store it, sometimes as a security measure

lưu trữ

lưu trữ

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(computing) a copy of computer data that can be used to restore lost or damaged data

sao lưu dữ liệu

sao lưu dữ liệu

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the symbol (\), used in some computer commands

dấu gạch chéo ngược

dấu gạch chéo ngược

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(in a computer, phone, etc.) a key on the keyboard used to erase the last letter or go backward

xóa lùi

xóa lùi

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function key

each of the several keys at the top of a computer keyboard marked with (F) and a number that make the computer perform particular operations

nút chức năng

nút chức năng

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to boot

to start a computer, typically involves setting up hardware elements to prepare the computer for use

khởi động

khởi động

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a computer program that automatically performs tasks over the internet

người máy

người máy

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(computing) a type of computer memory in which information that is often in use can be stored temporarily, a cache can be accessed quickly and is needed while a program is running

chổ dấu

chổ dấu

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(computing) a temporary storage area for data that has been copied or cut

bìa kẹp hồ sơ

bìa kẹp hồ sơ

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a unit for measuring the size of computer data that equals 8 bits

byte (kích thước dữ liệu)

byte (kích thước dữ liệu)

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(in electronic devices such as computers, etc.) the main printed circuit board that makes it possible for all the parts of a computer to communicate

bo mạch chủ

bo mạch chủ

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belonging, relating to, or controlled by the main circuit board of a computer

trên tàu

trên tàu

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the smallest unit of an image on the screen that collectively can form a whole image

điểm ảnh

điểm ảnh

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disk drive

a device that allows the computer to read the data on a computer disk and transfer data to or from it

ổ đĩa

ổ đĩa

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a software that controls the interaction between a computer and another equipment, such as a printer or scanner

người cầm lái

người cầm lái

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clock speed

the speed at which a computer can process information, expressed in (MHz)

tốc độ đồng hồ

tốc độ đồng hồ

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(computing) a type of software stored in a way that it cannot be modified or erased

phần sụn

phần sụn

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a software designed to disrupt or damage the computer without the user knowing

phần mềm độc hại

phần mềm độc hại

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the ability of a computer, software, or equipment to work with another device or software

khả năng tương thích

khả năng tương thích

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the set-up, hardware, and software of a computer that makes a complete system

cấu hình

cấu hình

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to debug

(computing) to detect and remove faults in a software

gỡ lỗi

gỡ lỗi

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to format

(computing) to prepare a storage device, such as a hard drive or USB, for use by deleting all the data on it and setting it up for a specific file system

định dạng

định dạng

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back end

a part of a computer responsible for storing and controlling data where users cannot easily access

xử lý hệ thống mà người dùng không truy cập trực tiếp

xử lý hệ thống mà người dùng không truy cập trực tiếp

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[Danh từ]
front end

a part of a computer that is easily accessible and one uses constantly

một phần của hệ thống mà người dùng tương tác trực tiếp

một phần của hệ thống mà người dùng tương tác trực tiếp

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[Danh từ]

(computing) the program through which a user can interact with a computer, especially its design and appearance

giao diện người dùng

giao diện người dùng

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an adjustment of the codes of a computer program that solves a problem in a quick way

xe cho thuê

xe cho thuê

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to encode

to transform data into a coded form

mã hóa

mã hóa

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to encrypt

to convert data or information into a coded form, mainly to prevent unauthorized access

mã hóa

mã hóa

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[Động từ]

describing the constant passage of data between a computer or other device and a user

(máy tính) tương tác

(máy tính) tương tác

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[Tính từ]
to time out

(computing) to cancel an operation or to turn off the computer automatically because a predefined interval of time has passed without a certain event happening

hết giờ

hết giờ

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(computing) describing a computer program whose source code is available to everyone

mã nguồn mở

mã nguồn mở

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local area network

a network for communication between computers, usually within a building

mạng lưới khu vực địa phương

mạng lưới khu vực địa phương

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[Cụm từ]

an electronic device that uses telephone lines to send and receive data between two computers



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graphical user interface

the visual interaction that users have with the computer through icons, menus, etc.

Giao diện đồ họa người dùng

Giao diện đồ họa người dùng

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central processing unit

the part of a computer where operations are controlled and executed

bộ phận máy điện tử

bộ phận máy điện tử

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an electronic device that connects computer networks and sends data between networks

bộ định tuyến

bộ định tuyến

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