El libro Headway - Avanzado - Unidad 1
Aquí encontrará el vocabulario de la Unidad 1 del libro de curso Headway Advanced, como "trace", "perplexing", "forbear", etc.
Tarjetas de memoria
displaying or possessing typical features or qualities of a particular person, place, or thing

something that is considered typical of a person, place, or thing and identifies them

rasgo, característica

anything that proves the truth or possibility of something, such as facts, objects, or signs

prueba, comprobación
an indication or evidence of the former presence or existence of something

rastro, indicio

an impressive or remarkable achievement or accomplishment, often requiring great skill or strength

hazaña, logro

an ancestor or a person from whom one is descended, typically from earlier generations

antepasado, ancestro

a blood relative who lived a long time ago, usually before one's grandparents

a relationship formed between people or groups based on mutual experiences, ideas, feelings, etc.

to reside at the place where one works or studies, usually in provided accommodation on the premises

vivir en el lugar de trabajo, residir en el lugar de estudio

a journey taken by a ship for pleasure, especially one involving several destinations

a type of bag, often made of leather or canvas, with a strap that is worn over one shoulder and across the bo

sacola, maletín

a prearranged time for children to get together and play, typically with a parent or caregiver present

cita de juegos, reunión de juegos

a social event where a person stays overnight at someone else's house, usually for fun

fiesta de pijamas, noches de sueño

the condition of forgetting or being unable to recall past events or information, ranging from minor forgetfulness to more severe forms, such as dementia or amnesia

pérdida de memoria, olvido

an absorbent garment worn by infants and young children to contain and absorb urine and feces

pañal, gasa

to find a place to live and embrace a more stable and routine way of life

estabilizarse, asentarse

a boy who is attending school, especially in primary or secondary education

escolar, alumno

one of the partners in a romantic or sexual relationship, without being married to each other

someone who serves in an army, particularly a person who is not an officer

the principle of moral or legal righteousness, equity, and impartiality

justicia, equidad

the behavior of being immature, overly playful, or exhibiting traits typically associated with children

inmadurez, infantilismo

to cause injury to the surface of one's skin by rubbing it against something rough

rasparse, rasguñarse
an official contract or arrangement by which a bank gives money to someone as a loan to buy a house and the person agrees to repay the loan over a specified period, usually with interest

a light, horse-drawn carriage with four wheels, typically used for leisurely rides

carro ligero, buggy

a time that is arranged to meet a person with whom one is in a relationship or is likely to be in the future

cita romántica
a pair of lenses set in a frame that rests on the nose and ears, which we wear to see more clearly

to fill in a black and white outline or picture with colors using crayons, markers, or other coloring materials

colorear, rellenar de color

a period of time spent resting or sleeping in bed beyond one's usual waking time, often done for the purpose of getting additional rest or relaxation

dormir más, acostarse tarde

an emotional outburst, usually associated with anger or frustration, that involves screaming, crying, kicking, and sometimes even physical aggression

a round stove with a bulging middle that burns wood to heat a room

estufa de barril, estufa de barriga

to stand or move in an unsteady or unstable manner, as if about to lose balance or topple over

vacilar, tambalearse

to have an excessive or exaggerated opinion of one's own abilities, attractiveness, importance, or value
to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety

to rely on no one in making decisions or forming opinions

pensar por uno mismo
to feel regret or disappointment in oneself for a past mistake or missed opportunity