
Popisování Lidí - Stáří

Osvojte si anglické idiomy týkající se věku, jako „jarní kuře“ a „dlouho v zubech“.







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English idioms used to Describe People
spring chicken

a young individual with little or no experience

mladý a nezkušený člověk

mladý a nezkušený člověk

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young blood

a young energetic person that brings new ideas, enthusiasm, and vitality to a group, organization, or activity

mladý a energický člověk

mladý a energický člověk

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at one's mother's knee

used when someone has learned or experienced something from a very young age

na kolena své matky

na kolena své matky

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knee-high to a grasshopper

(of a person) very young or very small

salad days

the time in a person's life marked by youthfulness, inexperience, and being carefree



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[Podstatné jméno]
on the other side of number

used to refer to people who look older than the age they are at

ripe old age

an advanced stage of life characterized by a long lifespan and great wisdom

(as) old as the hills

used to describe someone or something that is old and has existed for a long time

velmi starý

velmi starý

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long in the tooth

describing an individual who has lived for a very long time and is not able to do certain activities due to old age

starý a křehký

starý a křehký

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hale and hearty

used to describe an old person who is still very active and healthy

silver surfer

a senior citizen that spends a lot of time using the Internet

stříbrný surfař

stříbrný surfař

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[Podstatné jméno]
old enough to be one's mother

used to refer to a significant age difference between two people, especially those who are romantically involved with one another

velmi starý (ve srovnání s někým)

velmi starý (ve srovnání s někým)

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over the hill

beyond the peak of one's abilities or career, often implying a decline in performance

zastaralé (kvůli stáří)

zastaralé (kvůli stáří)

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