TOEFL के लिए उन्नत शब्दावली - गणित और मापन
यहां आप गणित और माप के बारे में कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे, जैसे "एम्प", "हर्ट्ज़", "हॉर्सपावर", आदि जो टीओईएफएल परीक्षा के लिए आवश्यक हैं।
समीक्षा करें
the standard unit for measuring electrical power corresponding to the rate of energy consumption in an electric circuit, equal to one joule per second
the standard unit of electromotive force, which measures the strength of an electrical current that is sent around an electrical system
a unit for measuring the speed of an engine, a computer hard drive, etc.
आरपीएम, प्रति मिनट क्रांति
a unit to measure the purity of gold, the purest gold being 24 karats
कैरेट, कारेट
a unit of volume used in the United States to measure liquids, equal to approximately 29.5735 milliliters
तरल औंस, फ्ल. औंस
a unit that is used in measurement of the frequency of sound and radio waves
a measure equal to 16 fluid ounces, often used for measuring liquids such as beer or milk
पिंट, लीटर
the number that is the result of a number multiplied by itself three times
the second exponent of any given number produced when multiplied by itself
वर्ग, दूसरी घात
a number that produces a particular number when multiplied by itself
वर्गमूल, एक संख्या का वर्गमूल
(mathematics) a quantity that is capable of assuming different values in a calculation
चर, अज्ञात
a flexible measuring tool consisting of a long strip of metal, cloth, or plastic with measurement markings, used to measure lengths and distances accurately
टेप मापने का यंत्र, मापने की टेप
a group of numbers, mathematical symbols or values, arranged in columns and rows
अरे, मैट्रिक्स
the branch of mathematics that comprises differentials and integrals
कलन, अंतर और अवकल
the number below the line in a fraction that shows how many parts the numerator divides into
(mathematics) a number divisible by all the numbers that are below the line in a set of fractions
सामान्य हर, हर
(mathematics) an interdisciplinary theory about complex systems that obey particular laws but appear to have little or no order
अव्यवस्था सिद्धांत
a branch of mathematics that studies the strategies of dealing with competitive situations involving conflict of interests, especially in business, war, etc.
गेम थ्योरी, खेल सिद्धांत
any set of numbers that represent an exact position on a map or graph
समन्वय, कोऑर्डिनेट बिंदु
the rate at which a quantity or dimension changes over a given distance or interval
ग्रेडिएंट, ढलान
a number greater than 1 with only two devisors which can be itself or 1
प्राइम नंबर, अपरिमेय संख्या
a number indicating the quantity and not order
कार्डिनल संख्या, मुख्य संख्या
a number incapable of being expressed as a ratio of two integers
अवास्तविक संख्या
a number that can be expressed as the fraction of two integers
गुणात्मक संख्या
(mathematics) the average value of a set of quantities calculated by adding them, and dividing them by the total number of the quantities
औसत, माध्य
(mathematics) the ratio of the opposite to the adjacent side of a triangle that has one angle of 90°
(mathematics) the ratio of the length of the side opposite the given angle to the length of the hypotenuse
साइनस, सिन
the ratio of the side adjacent to a particular acute angle to the side opposite the angle, in a right-angled triangle
a unit of measurement used to determine the speed or velocity of something
फुट प्रति सेकंड
the unit of electric current, symbolized as "A" in the International System of Units (SI)
a unit of measurement used to express speed or velocity in the metric system, representing the distance traveled in kilometers over the course of one hour
किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा, किमी/घंटा
a temperature scale where 0°C represents the freezing point and 100°C represents the boiling point of water at standard atmospheric pressure
डिग्री सेल्सियस, सेल्सियस डिग्री