Szóbeli Cselekvés Igék - Igék a rendelésre és az erőltetésre
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol igét, amelyek az elrendelésre és a kényszerítésre utalnak, mint például a "command", "obligate" és "exel".
to give an instruction to someone to do something through one's authority
utasítani, parancsolni
to give an official order to a person or an animal to perform a particular task
parancsol, utasít
to instruct or recommend someone to do a particular thing
mondani, utalni
to officially call someone, typically to attend court or fulfill a legal obligation
meghívni, idézni
to make an official judgment, decision, or order
rendelkezni, parancsolni
to officially order something using one's higher authority
elrendel, kiad
to tell someone what to do or not to do, in an authoritative way
diktálni, költeni
to make someone behave a certain way or do a particular action, even if they do not want to
kényszerít, ráerőltet
to force someone to do something through threats or manipulation
kényszerít, rákényszerít
to make someone do something, typically through legal, moral, or social means
kényszeríteni, kötelezni
to make someone do something because it is required by law, duty, etc.
kényszeríteni, megszorítani
to force someone to act in a certain way
kényszeríteni, korlátozni
to forcefully pressure someone to do something
kényszeríteni, nyomás alá helyezni
to pressure someone into doing something through intimidation or threats
kényszerít, fenyeget
to remove someone from their job or position, typically due to poor performance
elbocsát, megfoszt
to make someone leave the armed forces or police and relieving them from their duties
elbocsátani, felszabadítani
to force someone to leave a place, organization, etc.
kiutasni, eltávolítani
to remove someone from a position or place, often forcefully
eltávolítani, megszüntetni
to force a foreigner to leave a country, usually because they have broken the law
kiutasítani, deportálni
to force someone to live away from their native country, usually due to political reasons or as a punishment
száműz, kiszorít
to force someone to leave a country, often as a form of punishment or to keep them away
kiűzni, száműzni
to send someone accused of a crime to the place where the crime happened or where they are wanted for legal matters
kiadatni, visszaadni
to legally force someone to leave a property, often because they broke the rules of the rental agreement
kilakolni, eltávolítani
to forcefully make someone leave a place or residence
kitenni, kirúgni
to remove someone from a group or organization in a shameful manner
kiutasítani, kiverni