
ACT Angol és Világtudás - Átvitt jelentések

Itt megtudhatja néhány angol szó átvitt jelentését, mint például a "keret", "crisp", "reflection" stb., amelyek segítenek az ACT-ben.









Indítsa el a tanulást
ACT Vocabulary for English and World Knowledge

the process of refining and extracting the essential elements from a complex body of information or ideas

desztilláció, kioldás

desztilláció, kioldás

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a task or activity that is easy and straightforward to complete

gyerekjáték, páros lábbal ugrás

gyerekjáték, páros lábbal ugrás

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a significant and sudden increase in a price, number, rate, etc.

csúcs, hirtelen növekedés

csúcs, hirtelen növekedés

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a factor, force, or influence that initiates or causes a particular action, process, or change

meghajtó, tényező

meghajtó, tényező

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an unexpected turn in the course of events

váratlan fordulat, meglepő változás

váratlan fordulat, meglepő változás

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a set of facts or information that can be used to win an argument against someone or to criticize them

lőszer, érvek

lőszer, érvek

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a change or deviation from the usual or expected standard

eltérés, változás

eltérés, változás

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the way in which something is perceived or received by others, often referring to the response or reaction to an idea, message, or product

fogadás, visszajelzés

fogadás, visszajelzés

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the information or events that stimulate action or response

bemenet, input

bemenet, input

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the influence or control over someone or something

hatás, ellenőrzés

hatás, ellenőrzés

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an undesirable condition or difficulty that requires attention or resolution

betegség, probléma

betegség, probléma

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the collapse or failure of a plan or intended outcome

kudarc, meghiúsulás

kudarc, meghiúsulás

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a transitional phase that marks the end of one era and the beginning of another

fordulat, átmenet

fordulat, átmenet

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a thoughtful and deliberate consideration, often calm and extended

reflexió, töprengés

reflexió, töprengés

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a group of parts that have been put together to form a unit

összeszerelés, egység

összeszerelés, egység

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a round, thin piece of plastic with a hole in the middle, on which music, etc. is recorded

lemez, vinil

lemez, vinil

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the act of moving to a more secluded place in order to relax, meditate, or rest

visszavonulás, menedék

visszavonulás, menedék

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offering no protection or refuge

meztelen, fedetlen

meztelen, fedetlen

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relating to classified details or topics critical to national safety

érzékeny, titkos

érzékeny, titkos

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describing conditions or actions that are unpleasantly rough or severe

kemény, szigorú

kemény, szigorú

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effectively concise in expression

tömör, világos

tömör, világos

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developing or reaching success in a quick way

météorikus, hirtelen

météorikus, hirtelen

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easily understood or readable with comprehension

hozzáférhető, érthető

hozzáférhető, érthető

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(of qualities or behaviors) likely to influence others rapidly

fertőző, szórakoztató

fertőző, szórakoztató

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deserving deep respect and admiration due to its spiritual, religious, or significant importance

szent, szentelt

szent, szentelt

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able to understand and notice things quickly

éles, okos

éles, okos

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having the vast extent or degree characteristic of the ocean

óceáni, tengeri

óceáni, tengeri

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to skip

to deliberately and quickly move past or jump over certain sections or portions of media, such as audio tracks, video segments, or chapters

ugrani, kihagyni

ugrani, kihagyni

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to exhibit

to show a particular trait or behavior prominently

kiállítani, megmutatni

kiállítani, megmutatni

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to unleash

to let out or express a strong emotion or feeling, such as anger, frustration, or excitement

felszabadít, kifejez

felszabadít, kifejez

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to cost

to cause the loss of something, often valuable, or a negative outcome resulting from a particular action or decision

kerülni, okozni

kerülni, okozni

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to surrender

to give away or yield something, usually under pressure or voluntarily

megadja magát, átadni

megadja magát, átadni

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to consult

to refer to a source of knowledge in order to ascertain something

konzultálni, hivatkozni

konzultálni, hivatkozni

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to portray

to describe something or someone through words

leírni, ábrázolni

leírni, ábrázolni

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to drive

to be the influencing factor that causes something to make progress

sarkall, vonz

sarkall, vonz

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to render

to create a representation of something, usually in the form of a drawing, painting, or other visual medium

ábrázol, megjelenít

ábrázol, megjelenít

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to appreciate

to fully understand or recognize the qualities, significance, or worth of something

megbecsülni, felismerni

megbecsülni, felismerni

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to witness

to have firsthand knowledge of a development or event through observation or personal experience

tanúskodik, szemtanúja lesz

tanúskodik, szemtanúja lesz

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to spark

to trigger or ignite a reaction, response, or action, often by provoking or inspiring someone or something to action

kiváltani, fakadni

kiváltani, fakadni

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to run

to own, manage, or organize something such as a business, campaign, a group of animals, etc.

irányítani, vezetni

irányítani, vezetni

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to hold

to have a specific opinion or belief about someone or something

tartani, hinni

tartani, hinni

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to simmer

(of emotions, tensions, or conflicts) to be present but not openly expressed

forralni, konyházni

forralni, konyházni

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to lace

to incorporate or infuse something with a particular quality, element, or characteristic

keverni, belefűzni

keverni, belefűzni

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to capture

to manage to express a mood, quality, scene, etc. accurately in a piece of art

megragad, kifejez

megragad, kifejez

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to shadow

to follow someone closely in order to observe and learn from them, often by copying their actions, behavior, or techniques

követni, figyelni

követni, figyelni

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to relieve

to take something away through stealing or cunning actions

ellopni, elrabolni

ellopni, elrabolni

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to reign

to be predominant or prevalent

uralni, elsöprőnek lenni

uralni, elsöprőnek lenni

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to plant

to put or position something securely

 ültet ,  elhelyez

ültet , elhelyez

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to brighten

(of weather) to become sunnier or less cloudy

kitisztul, naposabbá válni

kitisztul, naposabbá válni

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to stir

to cause a reaction or disturbance in someone's emotional state

felébreszteni, megmozdítani

felébreszteni, megmozdítani

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to boast

to possess or have a particular feature or quality that is a source of pride

dicsekedni, birtokolni

dicsekedni, birtokolni

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to crack

to reveal or disclose something suddenly or impulsively

felfedni, nyilvánvalóvá tenni

felfedni, nyilvánvalóvá tenni

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to accommodate

to consider something and possibly make adjustments based on it

alkalmazni, igazítani

alkalmazni, igazítani

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to wire

to set up or program someone or something in a way that naturally inclines them toward a particular behavior, response, or way of thinking

programozni, beállítani

programozni, beállítani

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to insulate

to shield someone or something from external factors, pressures, or influences

szigetel, véd

szigetel, véd

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to devour

to read written material with great enthusiasm and speed

felfalni, javítani

felfalni, javítani

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to strip

to take away someone's possessions or assets

megfoszt, elvenni

megfoszt, elvenni

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to sever

to end a connection or relationship completely

megszakítani, szétvágni

megszakítani, szétvágni

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to decorate

to recognize and honor members of armed forces for their service, bravery, or achievements

kitüntetni, díszíteni

kitüntetni, díszíteni

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to descend

to be related by blood, typically referring to the lineage or family connection

származni, leszármazni

származni, leszármazni

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to frame

to structure or organize ideas, plans, or systems within a framework

keretez, szerkeszt

keretez, szerkeszt

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