Kebenaran, Kerahasiaan, dan Penipuan - Berbohong dan Berlebihan
Jelajahi idiom bahasa Inggris tentang berbohong dan melebih-lebihkan, termasuk "spin a tale" dan "economical with the truth".
Kartu flash
(of a person) to be perceived as being dishonest or deceptive
menjadi sangat licik dan tidak jujur
to tell things that are completely untrue or foolish
mengatakan omong kosong
a story that one finds hard to believe because it seems far from reality
cerita yang berlebihan
to exaggerate a lot about something
melebih-lebihkan sesuatu
a small lie that does not cause any harm, especially told to avoid making someone upset
kebohongan kecil dan tidak berarti
to behave in a pretentious way to prove one is rich or fashionable
bersikap sok
to praise one's own abilities or accomplishments, often in an exaggerated way
terlalu bangga dengan kemampuan seseorang
to lie, exaggerate, or boast about something
berbohong atau melebih-lebihkan
to tell a story that is exaggerated or completely made up
berbohong atau melebih-lebihkan
to tell lies in an obvious way
berbohong dengan sangat besar
a statement that is untrue, exaggerated, or meaningless
pernyataan yang salah atau berlebihan
to use fake praise that makes a person feel good about themselves in order to trick them
menyanjung seseorang untuk menipu mereka
telling only part of the truth or being vague in speech
tidak sepenuhnya jujur
to have a life that is built on lies and deception
menjalani hidup berdasarkan kebohongan
to get out of an unfavorable situation or obtain something by telling lies
mencapai sesuatu melalui kebohongan dan penipuan