진실, 비밀 및 속임수 - 거짓말과 과장
"spin a story", "economical with the Truth" 등 거짓말과 과장에 관한 영어 숙어를 살펴보세요.
tall tale
a story that a person cannot believe because it seems illogical or exaggerated

허풍선이 이야기, 터무니없는 이야기

white lie
a small lie that does not cause any harm, especially told to avoid making someone upset

흰 거짓말, 작은 거짓말

to toot one's (own) horn
to praise one's own abilities or accomplishments, often in an exaggerated way
to blow smoke up one's ass
to use fake praise that makes a person feel good about themselves in order to trick them
to lie one's way into something
to get out of an unfavorable situation or obtain something by telling lies

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