
진실, 비밀 및 속임수 - 거짓말과 과장

"spin a story", "economical with the Truth" 등 거짓말과 과장에 관한 영어 숙어를 살펴보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms relate to Truth, Secrecy, & Deception
to be full of shit

(of a person) to be perceived as being dishonest or deceptive

매우 사기적이고 부정직하다.

매우 사기적이고 부정직하다.

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to be full of it

to tell things that are completely untrue or foolish

말도 안 되는 소리를 하다

말도 안 되는 소리를 하다

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pack of lies

any statement that is not true at all

거짓말과 속임수

거짓말과 속임수

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tall tale

a story that a person cannot believe because it seems illogical or exaggerated

헛된 이야기

헛된 이야기

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to talk through the back of one's neck

to exaggerate a lot about something

뭔가를 과장하다

뭔가를 과장하다

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white lie

a small lie that does not cause any harm, especially told to avoid making someone upset

작고 하찮은 거짓말

작고 하찮은 거짓말

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to put on the dog

to behave in a pretentious way to prove one is rich or fashionable

허세를 부리다

허세를 부리다

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to toot one's (own) horn

to praise one's own abilities or accomplishments, often in an exaggerated way

자신의 능력을 너무 자랑스러워하는 것

자신의 능력을 너무 자랑스러워하는 것

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to shoot a line about sth

to lie, exaggerate, or boast about something

거짓말을 하거나 과장하는 것

거짓말을 하거나 과장하는 것

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to spin a tale

to tell a story that is exaggerated or completely made up

거짓말을 하거나 과장하는 것

거짓말을 하거나 과장하는 것

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to lie like a (cheap) rug

to tell lies in an obvious way

아주 큰 거짓말을 하고 있어

아주 큰 거짓말을 하고 있어

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to lie through one's teeth

to tell something that involves no truth

큰 거짓말을 하고 있다

큰 거짓말을 하고 있다

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hot air

a statement that is untrue, exaggerated, or meaningless

허위 또는 과장된 진술

허위 또는 과장된 진술

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to blow smoke up one's ass

to use fake praise that makes a person feel good about themselves in order to trick them

누군가를 속이기 위해 아첨하는 것

누군가를 속이기 위해 아첨하는 것

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full of beans

not in any way truthful



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economical with the truth

telling only part of the truth or being vague in speech

완전히 솔직하지 못한

완전히 솔직하지 못한

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to live a lie

to have a life that is built on lies and deception

거짓말에 기초한 삶을 살고 있다

거짓말에 기초한 삶을 살고 있다

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to lie one's way into (sth)

to get out of an unfavorable situation or obtain something by telling lies

거짓말과 속임수를 통해 무언가를 성취하다

거짓말과 속임수를 통해 무언가를 성취하다

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to (over-egg) the pudding

to make something appear more significant, intense, or dramatic than it actually is

뭔가를 과장하다

뭔가를 과장하다

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