used to express surprise, astonishment, or disbelief in reaction to unexpected events

私の神!, 主よ!

used to convey shock, awe, or intense emotion

神の母よ、それは私が今まで見た中で最も美しい夕日だ!, お母さん、これは私が見た中で最も美しい夕日だ!

used to express strong emotions such as surprise, frustration, disbelief, or exasperation

なんてこった!, キリスト!

used to express a range of emotions, including awe, surprise, frustration, or exasperation

おお神よ!, 全能の神よ!

used to show disbelief, shock, or surprise at something that has been said or done

なんてこった!, 神様!

used to express shock, surprise, or excitement, particularly on social media or in text messages

ああ、神様!, オムg

used in moments of intense emotion, especially when appealing to a higher power or expressing a strong reaction to a situation

神様, 親愛なる神

used to emphasize the truthfulness or sincerity of a statement

神に誓って、あなたのお金を取っていません。誓います。, 手を神にかけて、私はあなたのお金を取っていません。誓います。

used to express a strong desire to avoid a negative outcome or to prevent something undesirable from happening

神よ、禁じてください, 神様、どうか

used to express the speaker's hope, desire, or intention for something to happen in accordance with divine or higher power's plan or permission

神の御心で, 神の助けを得て