
Wykrzyknienia - Wykrzykniki religijne

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Categorized English Interjections

used to express surprise, emphasis, frustration, or other strong emotions

O Boże!, Boże mój!

O Boże!, Boże mój!

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used to express surprise, shock, or frustration

Chrystusie!, Boże!

Chrystusie!, Boże!

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used to express surprise, astonishment, or disbelief in reaction to unexpected events

O Boże!, Panie!

O Boże!, Panie!

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used to express surprise or shock

Jezu,  to było blisko!

Jezu, to było blisko!

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Jesus, Mary and Joseph

used to express surprise, shock, or frustration

Jezus,  Maryja i Józef

Jezus, Maryja i Józef

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mother of God

used to convey shock, awe, or intense emotion

Matko Boska,  to najpiękniejszy zachód słońca

Matko Boska, to najpiękniejszy zachód słońca

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Christ almighty

used to express strong emotions such as surprise, frustration, disbelief, or exasperation

Boże!, Chrystusie!

Boże!, Chrystusie!

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God almighty

used to express a range of emotions, including awe, surprise, frustration, or exasperation

Boże!, Bóg wszechmocny!

Boże!, Bóg wszechmocny!

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good Lord

used to show disbelief, shock, or surprise at something that has been said or done

Dobry Boże!, O mój Boże!

Dobry Boże!, O mój Boże!

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used to celebrate victories, express relief, or acknowledge blessings

Alleluja!, Hallelujah!

Alleluja!, Hallelujah!

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used after a prayer or a statement of faith to affirm the sentiments expressed

Amen, Niech tak będzie

Amen, Niech tak będzie

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bless me

used to express surprise, amazement, or even frustration

O Boże!, Ależ szok!

O Boże!, Ależ szok!

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for Christ's sake

used when one is angry, frustrated, or surprised by something

dla Chrystusa, na miłość Boską

dla Chrystusa, na miłość Boską

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oh my God

used to express shock, surprise, or excitement, particularly on social media or in text messages

O Boże!, Omg

O Boże!, Omg

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dear God

used in moments of intense emotion, especially when appealing to a higher power or expressing a strong reaction to a situation

O Boże, Drogi Boże

O Boże, Drogi Boże

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hand to God

used to emphasize the truthfulness or sincerity of a statement

Na rękę Boga,  nie wziąłem twoich pieniędzy. Przysięgam.

Na rękę Boga, nie wziąłem twoich pieniędzy. Przysięgam.

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God forbid

used to express a strong desire to avoid a negative outcome or to prevent something undesirable from happening

Nie daj Boże, Broń Boże

Nie daj Boże, Broń Boże

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God willing

used to express the speaker's hope, desire, or intention for something to happen in accordance with divine or higher power's plan or permission

Jeśli Bóg pozwoli, Z Bożą pomocą

Jeśli Bóg pozwoli, Z Bożą pomocą

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thank God

used to express gratitude, relief, or appreciation for a positive outcome or for avoiding a negative situation

Dzięki Bogu!, Dzięki

Dzięki Bogu!, Dzięki

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