
外見 - 顔の表情










Words Related to Appearance

an expression on the face in which the eyebrows are brought together, creating lines above the eyes, which shows anger, worry, or disapproval

しかめっ面, しかめ顔

しかめっ面, しかめ顔

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a steady and sharp stare that conveys anger, disapproval, or hostility

にらみつけ, 険しい視線

にらみつけ, 険しい視線

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a twisted facial expression indicating pain, disgust or disapproval

しかめっ面, ゆがみ顔

しかめっ面, ゆがみ顔

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long face

a disappointed or sad facial expression

長い顔, 悲しげな表情

長い顔, 悲しげな表情

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a sullen or angry frown signifying displeasure

しかめっつら, 不機嫌な顔

しかめっつら, 不機嫌な顔

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a sidelong glance or look given to someone, often indicating suspicion, disapproval, or contempt

横目, 疑いの目

横目, 疑いの目

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the act of opening and closing one eye quickly once as a sign of affection, greeting, etc.

ウインク, ウインクすること

ウインク, ウインクすること

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the rush of blood to the face signifying embarrassment, modesty or confusion

赤面, 恥じらい

赤面, 恥じらい

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describing a face that appears reddened or warm, often due to emotions, physical exertion, or heat

赤くなった, 顔が赤い

赤くなった, 顔が赤い

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to glow

(of a person's face) to look lively and healthy, specifically as a result of training and exercising

輝く, 光る

輝く, 光る

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to pale

to become pale, typically due to a sudden change in physical or emotional state, such as fear, shock, or illness

青ざめる, 蒼白になる

青ざめる, 蒼白になる

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to crease

to cause a wrinkle or indentation on a surface

しわを寄せる, 折り目をつける

しわを寄せる, 折り目をつける

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to crumple

to wrinkle the face due to intense emotions or age-related changes

しわる, しわざ

しわる, しわざ

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to furrow

to cause wrinkles or lines to appear on the skin as a sign of worry, confusion, or concentration

しわを寄せる, しわを作る

しわを寄せる, しわを作る

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to bug out

to suddenly widen one's eyes in a startled or surprised expression, often giving the impression of bulging or protruding eyes

目を見開く, 目を丸くする

目を見開く, 目を丸くする

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to glower

to look or stare at someone angrily

怒って見つめる, にらむ

怒って見つめる, にらむ

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to grimace

to twist our face in an ugly way because of pain, strong dislike, etc., or when trying to be funny

しかめる, 顔をしかめる

しかめる, 顔をしかめる

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to lower

to drop one's eyebrows, chin, or gaze to express sadness, disapproval, or shame, or to show less intensity or hostility in a facial expression

下げる, 減らす

下げる, 減らす

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to pout

to push out one's lips as an expression of displeasure, anger, or sadness

口を尖らせる, むくれる

口を尖らせる, むくれる

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to purse

to pucker or tighten one's lips together to express disapproval or concentration

すぼめる, しわを寄せる

すぼめる, しわを寄せる

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to scowl

to frown in a sullen or angry way

しかめる, 不機嫌に顔をしかめる

しかめる, 不機嫌に顔をしかめる

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to sulk

to be in a bad mood and to remain silent and resentful due to feeling upset, angry, or disappointed

すねる, ふくれる

すねる, ふくれる

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to wince

to show a facial expression that signifies shame or pain

いなずまを走る, 顔をしかめる

いなずまを走る, 顔をしかめる

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an expression in which our mouth curves upwards, when we are being friendly or are happy or amused

笑顔, ほほえみ

笑顔, ほほえみ

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a broad smile that reveals the teeth

ニヤリ, 笑顔

ニヤリ, 笑顔

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a wide and joyful smile

広い笑顔, 嬉しい笑顔

広い笑顔, 嬉しい笑顔

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a smile or remark directed at someone as a sign of mockery or disrespect

冷笑, 嘲笑

冷笑, 嘲笑

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a half-smile that can indicate satisfaction, superiority, or amusement

にやり, 薄笑い

にやり, 薄笑い

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a coy or silly smile or mannerism that is intended to be charming or flirtatious

可愛らしい笑顔, 挑発的な微笑み

可愛らしい笑顔, 挑発的な微笑み

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(of a person) having a cold and unwelcoming appearance, often indicating emotional distance or disapproval

陰鬱な, 冷たい

陰鬱な, 冷たい

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(of eyes or facial expression) lacking interest and showing no emotion

無関心の, ぼんやりした

無関心の, ぼんやりした

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twisted or distorted, often indicating dry or mocking humor

歪んだ, 皮肉な

歪んだ, 皮肉な

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feeling unhappy and afraid because of something that has happened or might happen

心配している, 不安な

心配している, 不安な

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describing a person who looks frightened or crazy due to their unfocused gaze

狂ったような目, 目が飛び出した

狂ったような目, 目が飛び出した

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not blinking one's eyes, often indicating intense concentration, focus, or a lack of emotion

無表情の, じっと見つめる

無表情の, じっと見つめる

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a facial expression that shows shame or sudden pain

しかめっ面, いきぶん

しかめっ面, いきぶん

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to beam

to show an emotion with a joyful smile

輝く, 微笑む

輝く, 微笑む

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to sneer

to smile or speak in a way that suggests mockery or disrespect toward someone

冷笑する, あざ笑う

冷笑する, あざ笑う

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to smirk

to give a half-smile, often displaying satisfaction, superiority, or amusement

にやりと笑う, 微笑みを浮かべる

にやりと笑う, 微笑みを浮かべる

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