IELTS를 위한 어휘 (학문적) - Psychology
여기에서는 IELTS 시험에 필요한 "clinical", "schizophrenia", "constancy" 등과 같은 심리학에 관한 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
relating to the observation, examination, and treatment of patients in a medical setting
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an intense and irrational fear toward a specific thing such as an object, situation, concept, or animal
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an explanation based on limited facts and evidence that is not yet proved to be true
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a medicine without any physiological effect that is given to a control group in an experiment to measure the effectiveness of a new drug or to patients who think they need medicine when in reality they do not
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a chronic mental disorder in which a person's ability to think, feel or behave is affected, often associated with the distortion of reality
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connected with the scientific study of the human mind and its functions
![심리학적인, 정신적인](
심리학적인, 정신적인
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any branch of psychology that deals with finding practical solutions for human or animal behavioral problems
![응용 심리학, 실용 심리학](
응용 심리학, 실용 심리학
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(psychology) a mental condition in which a person has a false belief system that is contradicted by evidence
![망상, 환상](
망상, 환상
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(psychology) the way a person or an animal acts in different situations or responds to stimuli
![행동, 처신](
행동, 처신
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(psychology) the tendency to keep the same perception of an object despite changes in the stimuli
![불변성, 일관성](
불변성, 일관성
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(psychology) a person that is preoccupied with external things and prefers social situations
![외향형, 외향적인 사람](
외향형, 외향적인 사람
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(psychology) the tendency to show an identical response to similar but distinct stimuli
![일반화, 일반화된 개념](
일반화, 일반화된 개념
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(psychology) any regularly repeated pattern of behavior that is shown almost automatically in response to a specific situation
![습관, 관습](
습관, 관습
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(psychology) a person who is preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings rather than the external world
![내향적, 여성 내향적](
내향적, 여성 내향적
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(psychology) a person's social representation or the impression other's have of a certain individual which is concealing the true self
![페르소나, 사회적 가면](
페르소나, 사회적 가면
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(psychology) any cognitive function that is involved in understanding and learning
![프로세스, 인지 기능](
프로세스, 인지 기능
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(psychology) the conscious part of the mind that mediates between the unconscious and the reality which gives one a sense of self
![에고, 자아](
에고, 자아
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(psychology) the part of the mind that is only partly conscious, representing social norms learned from the parents
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(psychology) the part of the unconscious mind that is the source of basic instincts and drives
![이드, 이드](
이드, 이드
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(psychology) the unconscious process in which an individual associates their feelings, ideas or attitudes to someone else as a defense mechanism
![투영 (심리학), 전이](
투영 (심리학), 전이
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