
진실, 비밀 및 속임수 - 구실

"keep up Appearance" 및 "crocodile Tears"와 같은 영어 숙어가 영어의 가식과 어떤 관련이 있는지 알아보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms relate to Truth, Secrecy, & Deception
in name only

used for saying that a person, thing, situation etc. is not actually like what their description, label, or title suggests

기대했던 기준과 많이 다르네요

기대했던 기준과 많이 다르네요

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to keep up appearances

to act and behave as if everything is fine so that others do not find out about one's problems

모든 것이 괜찮은 척하는 사람

모든 것이 괜찮은 척하는 사람

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lip service

an insincere offer or promise of support, assistance, etc.

공허한 약속

공허한 약속

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to put one's money where one's mouth is

to take action that proves one's sincerity or commitment to what one has said by investing or spending money on it

행동을 통해 자신의 성실성과 헌신을 증명하는 것

행동을 통해 자신의 성실성과 헌신을 증명하는 것

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wolf in sheep's clothing

an evil person who seems nice and friendly

to play dead

to fake death by lying on the ground without moving

누군가가 죽은 것처럼 행동할 때

누군가가 죽은 것처럼 행동할 때

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to put on a brave face

to behave in a way that hides one's unhappiness, worries, or problems

두려움이나 걱정을 숨기기 위해 용감하게 행동하는 것

두려움이나 걱정을 숨기기 위해 용감하게 행동하는 것

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to play it cool

to act calmly in order to hide one's anger, enthusiasm, fear, etc. from others

침착하게 행동하다

침착하게 행동하다

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to cry wolf

to have a bad reputation of calling for help when one does not really need any, and so making oneself untrustworthy

crocodile tears

fake display of feelings of sadness, remorse, or sympathy

누군가 슬픈 척할 때

누군가 슬픈 척할 때

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butter would not melt in one's mouth

used for saying that a person only appears to be nice or innocent, but they are not like that in reality

누군가가 순진한 척할 때 사용됩니다.

누군가가 순진한 척할 때 사용됩니다.

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to put on an act

to talk or behave in a way that is fake

독창적인 방식으로 행동

독창적인 방식으로 행동

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accidentally on purpose

used to refer to when someone does something intentionally, but pretends as if it was an accident

고의적인 행위가 사고인 것처럼 가장하는 것

고의적인 행위가 사고인 것처럼 가장하는 것

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stool pigeon

a person sent into a group as a spy to report on its activities

스파이 또는 정보원

스파이 또는 정보원

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to play possum

to pretend as if one is asleep or dead so that others will not bother or attack one

죽은 척

죽은 척

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paper tiger

someone or something that looks frightening, dangerous, or strong while in reality, they are not

겉보기에만 위협적이거나 강력함

겉보기에만 위협적이거나 강력함

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whistle in the dark

to act as if one is not afraid or worried

용감한 척

용감한 척

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to turn on the waterworks

to begin crying just to get others to sympathize with one or do what one asks of them

다른 사람의 관심을 끌기 위해 울다

다른 사람의 관심을 끌기 위해 울다

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champagne taste on a beer budget

used when someone likes to have things so expensive they cannot possibly afford

자랑하고 거짓말하는 사람에게 하는 말입니다.

자랑하고 거짓말하는 사람에게 하는 말입니다.

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to strike an attitude of sth

to purposefully choose to behave in a specific manner to show a specific idea or leave a specific impression

다른 사람에게 인상을 주기 위해 특정한 방식으로 행동하는 것

다른 사람에게 인상을 주기 위해 특정한 방식으로 행동하는 것

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