
Osobowość - Żywy i energiczny

Zanurz się w angielskich idiomach związanych z byciem żywym i energicznym, na przykład „full of beans” i „młody duchem”.







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English idioms related to Personality
(as) happy as a cricket

used to describe a carefree and happy individual

ball of fire

an individual who is very energetic and in high spirits

young at heart

someone who has the mentality and behavior of that of a young person

sense of humor

one's ability to say funny things or be amused by jokes and other things meant to make one laugh

party animal

a person who likes spending a lot of time in parties

zwierzak imprezowy, miłośnik imprez

zwierzak imprezowy, miłośnik imprez

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live wire

an individual behaving in an energetic or unpredictable manner

żywy człowiek, energetyczna osoba

żywy człowiek, energetyczna osoba

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full of life

(of a person) bursting with energy and in high spirits

full of beans

full of positive energy and excitement

social butterfly

someone who is very socially active and goes to many parties or social events

towarzyski motyl, osoba towarzyska

towarzyski motyl, osoba towarzyska

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the life of the party

an energetic person at a party or other social events

(as) fresh as a daisy

(of a person) alert and full of energy and enthusiasm

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