Osobowość - Unintelligent
Zanurz się w angielskich idiomach związanych z byciem nieinteligentnym, takich jak „być powolnym w przyswajaniu” i „nos z wosku”.
an individual who often breaks things or makes mistakes in situations that require thoughtful behavior or thinking
someone who can be easily taken advantage of

miękka osoba, łatwy do zmanipulowania

used to describe someone who can be easily taken advantage of because their will is not strong enough
used to refer to someone who is not paying attention or is not intelligent enough
to be smart or experienced enough to find one's way out of a problematic situation
someone whose behavior is marked by foolishness or ignorance

głupi królik, idiota

used to describe someone who shows a great lack of intelligence or good judgment
a derogatory expression used to describe a person who relies solely on physical strength or brute force, without demonstrating any intelligence, skill, or strategic thinking