
Osobowość - Dumny i arogancki

Odkryj, jak angielskie idiomy, takie jak „spuchnięta głowa” i „wysoki koń”, odnoszą się do bycia dumnym i aroganckim w języku angielskim.







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English idioms related to Personality
one's nose in the air

a type of unfriendly behavior that is meant to show that one is better than other people

dumne i samolubne zachowanie

dumne i samolubne zachowanie

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swelled head

a sense of high self-esteem or self-importance that one has



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to put on airs

to behave in a way that makes others think one is more important or of higher status than one actually is

nie docenianie innych ludzi

nie docenianie innych ludzi

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high horse

one's arrogant and pretentious behavior that is meant to prove one's superiority over others

zachowanie samolubne i aroganckie

zachowanie samolubne i aroganckie

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(as) proud as Lucifer

used to describe someone who takes too much pride or satisfaction in their achievements

bardzo narcystyczny

bardzo narcystyczny

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ego trip

an action that makes one feel more important than others

ktoś, kto uważa się za lepszego od innych

ktoś, kto uważa się za lepszego od innych

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(as) proud as a peacock

used to describe someone who has an excessively high opinion of themselves

ktoś, kto jest z siebie bardzo dumny

ktoś, kto jest z siebie bardzo dumny

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like the cat that ate the canary

used for saying that a person looks extremely satisfied, happy, or proud because of something they have done or achieved

to overplay one's hand

to fail to achieve success by having too much confidence in one's ability or position

być zbyt pewnym siebie

być zbyt pewnym siebie

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too big for one's britches

behaving in a manner that highlights one's often non-existant superiority over others

za duży na portki

za duży na portki

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stuffed shirt

someone who considers themselves more important than others and often behaves in a very formal and old-fashioned way

bardzo formalna lub dumna osoba

bardzo formalna lub dumna osoba

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to stroke one's ego

to boost or satisfy one's sense of self-importance or self-esteem

zwiększenie czyjejś pewności siebie

zwiększenie czyjejś pewności siebie

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to hold one's head up (high)

to take pride in one's deeds or achievements

bycie z siebie dumnym

bycie z siebie dumnym

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