
Lista Słówek Poziomu C2 - Kino i Teatr

Tutaj nauczysz się wszystkich najważniejszych słów potrzebnych do rozmowy o kinie i teatrze, zebranych specjalnie dla uczniów na poziomie C2.









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CEFR C2 Vocabulary

an outdoor area in a movie studio, where large exterior sets are constructed and some scenes are shot

teren na świeżym powietrzu w studiu do filmowania

teren na świeżym powietrzu w studiu do filmowania

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a short interval between parts of a play, movie, etc.

krótka przerwa pomiędzy fragmentami filmu, sztuki teatralnej itp.

krótka przerwa pomiędzy fragmentami filmu, sztuki teatralnej itp.

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fourth wall

an imaginary barrier that separates the mise en scene and the fictional characters from the audience, especially in a theatrical performance

czwarta ściana (teatr)

czwarta ściana (teatr)

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ad lib

a line that is recited in a speech or performance without prior preparation

improwizowany dialog

improwizowany dialog

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green room

a room in a theater, a studio, etc. in which performers can relax while not performing

pokój za kulisami

pokój za kulisami

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a minor role that is played by a well-known actor



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a piece of raw footage that is recorded but is not used in the final edited version of a movie, TV program, etc.

usunięta sekwencja w filmie, programie itp.

usunięta sekwencja w filmie, programie itp.

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the process of creating a set of pictures or drawings depicting the outline of the plot of a movie, TV series, etc.

tworzenie scenorysów

tworzenie scenorysów

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rough cut

the first version of editing a movie, after different scenes are assembled

pierwszy montaż filmu

pierwszy montaż filmu

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curtain call

the time after a play or show has just ended when the performers come to the stage to receive the applause of the audience

kiedy kurtyna się podnosi i wszyscy aktorzy wychodzą na scenę

kiedy kurtyna się podnosi i wszyscy aktorzy wychodzą na scenę

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a preparatory session during which actors read the words of a play before beginning to practice it on the stage

czytanie scenariusza

czytanie scenariusza

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a method used in theater production that indicates a change of the setting

zmiana sceny

zmiana sceny

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set piece

a set of scenes in a motion picture, novel, etc. that could be regarded independently and are very elaborate or complex

osobna scena

osobna scena

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a genre of film characterized by humorous or satirical imitation of other films, genres, or cultural phenomena

gatunek komedii, który w humorystyczny sposób krytykuje inne gatunki filmowe

gatunek komedii, który w humorystyczny sposób krytykuje inne gatunki filmowe

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a sad movie, play, book, etc. that is too sentimental and makes the audience cry

bardzo smutny (film, sztuka, książka itp.)

bardzo smutny (film, sztuka, książka itp.)

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a type of comic theatrical production combining pantomime, dance, singing, etc. popular in the 1800s and early 1900s



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film noir

a type of movie involving crime including shadowy footage and dark background music that depicted cynical characters caught in dangerous situations

gatunek noir

gatunek noir

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a style of physical theater that satirizes social and political issues through exaggerated, grotesque performances and audience interaction

Teatr Bouffona

Teatr Bouffona

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the visual arrangement of elements in a film scene such as set design and lighting,



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the wall separating the audience and the stage in a theater hall, including the arch on its top

ściana sceny

ściana sceny

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the art of creating and recording sound effects in a studio setting to be added to a film or video

odtwarzanie efektów dźwiękowych (do filmów, wideo itp.)

odtwarzanie efektów dźwiękowych (do filmów, wideo itp.)

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the art or technique of dramatic composition and theatrical production



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a concluding speech at the end of a play that is addressed directly to the audience, often in verse

przemówienie kończące przedstawienie

przemówienie kończące przedstawienie

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a group of performers, especially actors or dancers, who work together as a collective entity

grupa aktorów

grupa aktorów

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a director who has such a significant influence and personal style on a film that is considered their author

autor i reżyser

autor i reżyser

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cinema verite

a style of documentary filmmaking that emphasizes capturing real-life situations and events with minimal interference or intervention

prawdziwe kino

prawdziwe kino

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a subgenre of film noir with a contemporary setting, complex characters, and elements of other genres, while still featuring a dark and pessimistic tone



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a speech that a character in a dramatic play gives in the form of a monologue as a series of inner reflections spoken out loud

monolog (teatr)

monolog (teatr)

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an actor's line that is told to the audience but the other characters on the stage are not intended to hear

dialog skierowany do widza

dialog skierowany do widza

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an ending to an episode of a series that keeps the audience in suspense

trzymające w napięciu lub ekscytujące zakończenie historii

trzymające w napięciu lub ekscytujące zakończenie historii

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