Seznam Slovíček Úrovně C2 - Kino a divadlo
Zde se naučíte všechna podstatná slova pro povídání o kině a divadle, shromážděná speciálně pro studenty úrovně C2.
an outdoor area in a movie studio, where large exterior sets are constructed and some scenes are shot

plac na venkovní scénu, zázemí pro natáčení

an imaginary barrier that separates the mise en scene and the fictional characters from the audience, especially in a theatrical performance

čtvrtá zeď, čtvrtá bariéra

a line that is recited in a speech or performance without prior preparation

improvizace, nepřipravená replika

a room in a theater, a studio, etc. in which performers can relax while not performing

zelená místnost, zákulisí

a piece of raw footage that is recorded but is not used in the final edited version of a movie, TV program, etc.

nepoužitá scéna, odstřižený záběr

the process of creating a set of pictures or drawings depicting the outline of the plot of a movie, TV series, etc.

storyboarding, nákres scénáře

the first version of editing a movie, after different scenes are assembled

hrubý střih, předběžný střih

the time after a play or show has just ended when the performers come to the stage to receive the applause of the audience

závěrečný potlesk, ovace na konci

a preparatory session during which actors read the words of a play before beginning to practice it on the stage

přípravné čtení, čtení před zkouškou

a method used in theater production that indicates a change of the setting

změna scény, přesun scény

a set of scenes in a motion picture, novel, etc. that could be regarded independently and are very elaborate or complex

scénická část, složitá scéna

a genre of film characterized by humorous or satirical imitation of other films, genres, or cultural phenomena

parodie, humorní nápodoba

a sad movie, play, book, etc. that is too sentimental and makes the audience cry

slzavý film, dojemný film

a type of comic theatrical production combining pantomime, dance, singing, etc. popular in the 1800s and early 1900s


a type of movie involving crime including shadowy footage and dark background music that depicted cynical characters caught in dangerous situations

film noir, temný film

a style of physical theater that satirizes social and political issues through exaggerated, grotesque performances and audience interaction

bufon, bufonka

the visual arrangement of elements in a film scene such as set design and lighting

mise en scéne, scénická skladba

the wall separating the audience and the stage in a theater hall, including the arch on its top

proscenium, proscénium

the art of creating and recording sound effects in a studio setting to be added to a film or video

foley, zvukové efekty

the art or technique of dramatic composition and theatrical production


a concluding speech at the end of a play that is addressed directly to the audience, often in verse


a group of performers, especially actors or dancers, who work together as a collective entity

troupe, soubor

a director who has such a significant influence and personal style on a film that is considered their author

auteur, režisér

a style of documentary filmmaking that emphasizes capturing real-life situations and events with minimal interference or intervention

cinéma vérité, filmová pravda

a subgenre of film noir with a contemporary setting, complex characters, and elements of other genres, while still featuring a dark and pessimistic tone

neo-noir, film neo-noir

a speech that a character in a dramatic play gives in the form of a monologue as a series of inner reflections spoken out loud


an actor's line that is told to the audience but the other characters on the stage are not intended to hear
