
Humanistyka ACT - Nauki społeczne

Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych z naukami społecznymi, takich jak „caste”, „militant”, „activism” itp., które pomogą Ci osiągnąć sukces w swoich ACT.









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ACT Vocabulary for Humanities

the policy of separating a group of people from the rest based on racial, sexual, or religious grounds and discriminating against them

segregacja, izolacja

segregacja, izolacja

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theory of mind

the understanding that others have thoughts, feelings, and perspectives that are different from one's own

teoria umysłu, teoria mentalna

teoria umysłu, teoria mentalna

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an organizational structure characterized by strict procedures, rules, and regulations designed to manage complex tasks or activities efficiently



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the action of striving to bring about social or political reform, especially as a member of an organization with specific objectives

aktywizm, militaryzm

aktywizm, militaryzm

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the capacity or power of an individual or entity to take action, make decisions, and influence or control their environment or circumstances

agencja, zdolność

agencja, zdolność

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a large group of people who are related to each other

klan, rodzina

klan, rodzina

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a form of sociopolitical organization in which a centralized authority governs a community or a collection of communities

naczelnictwo, rządzenie przez wódz

naczelnictwo, rządzenie przez wódz

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a cooperative or united group of individuals, entities, or elements working together for a common purpose or interest

kolektyw, wspólnota

kolektyw, wspólnota

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to census

to systematically collect and record demographic data about a population

spisać, przeprowadzać spis

spisać, przeprowadzać spis

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the statistical characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, and ethnicity

demograficzny, grupa demograficzna

demograficzny, grupa demograficzna

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status quo

the situation or condition that is currently at hand

status quo, aktualna sytuacja

status quo, aktualna sytuacja

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the process of developing and expanding industries within a region or country, involving the increased production of goods through the use of advanced machinery, technology, and organized labor

industrializacja, industrializacja

industrializacja, industrializacja

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displaying violent acts for the sake of a social or political aim

militantny, bojowy

militantny, bojowy

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the behavior or attitude that does not follow established norms, conventions, or expectations within a society or group

niezgodność, odchylenie

niezgodność, odchylenie

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supporting and encouraging positive change and advancement

progresywny, innowacyjny

progresywny, innowacyjny

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the process through which individuals within a society or group learn and internalize behavior patterns, norms, values, and customs through interactions, education, and social experiences

socjalizacja, socjalizowanie

socjalizacja, socjalizowanie

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a society that has developed its own culture and institutions in a particular period of time or place

cywilizacja, społeczeństwo

cywilizacja, społeczeństwo

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the state of belonging to a certain ethnic group

etniczność, przynależność etniczna

etniczność, przynależność etniczna

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civil right

any of the basic freedoms or rights that protect individuals from unfair treatment and ensure equality under the law, regardless of race, gender, religion, disability, or other characteristics

prawo obywatelskie, prawa cywilne

prawo obywatelskie, prawa cywilne

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referring to factors or conditions that involve both social and economic aspects

socioekonomiczny, socio-ekonomiczny

socioekonomiczny, socio-ekonomiczny

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the process of people moving from rural areas to urban areas, resulting in the growth of cities and the expansion of urban areas

urbanizacja, urodzajne

urbanizacja, urodzajne

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characteristic of or relating to a residential area outside a city or town

przedmiejski, suburban

przedmiejski, suburban

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to marginalize

to treat a person, group, or concept as insignificant or of secondary or minor importance

marginalizować, bagatelizować

marginalizować, bagatelizować

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a small group of people who differ in race, religion, etc. and are often mistreated by the society

mniejszość, grupa mniejszościowa

mniejszość, grupa mniejszościowa

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people in the highest class of society who have a lot of power and wealth and usually high ranks and titles



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kings and queens and any member of their families

monarchia, członkowie rodziny królewskiej

monarchia, członkowie rodziny królewskiej

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a large, important city that serves as a significant economic, political, or cultural center for a region or country

metropolia, duże miasto

metropolia, duże miasto

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the basic physical structures and systems that support and enable the functioning of a society or organization, such as roads and bridges

infrastruktura, infrastruktury

infrastruktura, infrastruktury

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referring to a vision of an ideal society, where everything is flawless or nearly perfect



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the quality of being acceptable by the law



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civil disobedience

the deliberate and nonviolent refusal to obey certain laws, demands, or commands of a government or authority, typically as a form of protest

nieposłuszeństwo obywatelskie, pokojowy opór

nieposłuszeństwo obywatelskie, pokojowy opór

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to discriminate

to unfairly treat a person or group of people based on their sex, race, etc.

dyskryminować, stosować dyskryminację

dyskryminować, stosować dyskryminację

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to rehabilitate

to help someone to restore to a healthy and independent state after a period of imprisonment, addiction, illness, etc.

rehabilitować, przywrócić do zdrowia

rehabilitować, przywrócić do zdrowia

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a person who has been rejected or excluded from a social group or society, often due to their behavior, beliefs, or social status

wyrzutek, odrzucony

wyrzutek, odrzucony

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a person who is forced to leave their own country because of war, natural disaster, etc.

uchodźca, uchodźczyni

uchodźca, uchodźczyni

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relating to the original inhabitants of a particular region or country, who have distinct cultural, social, and historical ties to that land

rdzenny, autochtoniczny

rdzenny, autochtoniczny

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relating to a social system where men hold primary power and authority over women and families

patriarchalny, patriarchalna

patriarchalny, patriarchalna

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having a low social rank or position, often characterized by modesty

skromny, pokorny

skromny, pokorny

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to assimilate

to integrate into a new environment, often by adopting its language, norms, values, and practices

asymilować, integrować

asymilować, integrować

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a local administrative unit in certain countries, functioning as the smallest division of government



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the outer areas or parts of a city or town

przedmieścia, peryferia

przedmieścia, peryferia

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an area with a church of its own that is under the care of a priest

parafia, okręg

parafia, okręg

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including a wide range of people with different nationalities and cultures

kosmopolityczny, wielokulturowy

kosmopolityczny, wielokulturowy

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involved in or related to helping people who are in need to improve their living conditions

humanitarny, pomocy humanitarnej

humanitarny, pomocy humanitarnej

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marked by discrimination against or prejudice toward individuals or groups based on their social class

klasistowski, dyskryminujący ze względu na klasę

klasistowski, dyskryminujący ze względu na klasę

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a system that divides the people of a society into different social classes based on their wealth, privilage, or profession

kasta, system kastowy

kasta, system kastowy

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a level or rank in an organization, profession, or society, indicating a person's status or authority within that hierarchy

poziom, stopień

poziom, stopień

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a person's social rank or position within a structured hierarchy or society

status społeczny, pozycja społeczna

status społeczny, pozycja społeczna

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rat race

a draining and stressful lifestyle that consists of constantly competing with others for success, wealth, power, etc. and so leaving no room for rest and pleasure

wyścig szczurów, zakręcony styl życia

wyścig szczurów, zakręcony styl życia

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