Vocabular Avansat pentru GRE - Caracteristici și atribute
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză despre caracteristici și atribute, cum ar fi „din”, „bereft”, „keen”, etc. care sunt necesare pentru examenul GRE.
Fișe de studiu
an insincere and unnatural manner of speaking, behaving, or writing that is intended to impress

afectare, făcușenie

an unpleasant and loud noise that could be heard for an extended amount of time

zgomot, rumor

an artful cleverness used to perform trickery, deception, and manipulation

viclenie, înșelăciune

the lack of seriousness that is wrongly suited to or respectful of the circumstances

ușurință, neglijență

to loudly complain about something or demand something

a se plânge zgomotos, a pretinde

behaving or acting in a way that is funny, energetic, or silly, it is usually annoying or strange

ciudat, haios

(of clothes, colors, hairstyles etc.) enhancing the wearer's appearance and making them more attractive

atrăgător, care favorizează

(of people) feeling very lonely and sorrowful, particularly as a result of a loss

lipsit, părăsit

(of a person) young and behaving in a manner that displays one's inexperience or immaturity

neexperimentat, tânăr

having a distrustful or negative outlook, often believing that people are motivated by self-interest

cinic, sceptic

inseparable essential part or quality of someone or something that is in their nature

inherent, intrinsec

outdated and gone out of style, often replaced by more current trends or advancements

obsolescent, depășit

having the best or most effective condition or approach for achieving a favorable outcome under given circumstances

optim, ideal

taking a practical and realistic approach to things rather than theoretical and idealistic approaches


(of things) old but highly valued for the quality, excellent condition, or timeless and attractive design

vintage, clasic

prone to unexpected and sudden changes, usually gets worse or dangerous

volatil, instabil

driven by impulses and desires rather than logical necessity or reasoning

fantezist, neprevăzut