Științe Umaniste ACT - Certitudine și incertitudine
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză legate de certitudine și incertitudine, cum ar fi „speculați”, „spuse”, „presupuse”, etc., care vă vor ajuta să vă reușiți ACT-urile.
Fișe de studiu
expressed with clarity and precision, leaving no doubt as to the meaning or intention

definit, clar

clearly true and therefore impossible to deny or question

indiscutabil, inevitabil

providing clear and final evidence or proof, leaving no doubt or uncertainty

concluziv, decisiv

expressing one's ideas and opinions so clearly that it leaves no room for doubt

neechivoc, clar

settling an issue authoritatively and leaving no room for further doubt or debate

definitiv, final

clearly true and therefore impossible to deny or question

indiscutabil, inevitabil

clearly true therefore leaving no room for disagreement or denial

indiscutabil, incontestabil

the state of feeling confident, certain, or self-assured about one's abilities, decisions, or actions

asigurare, încredere

to determine something with certainty by careful examination or investigation

stabili, verifica

used to say that there is no doubt something is true or is the case

fără îndoială, neîndoielnic

not firmly established or decided, with the possibility of changes in the future

provizoriu, preliminar

(of a person) unsure or hesitant about the credibility or goodness of something

dudor, incert

doubtful or uncertain in terms of quality, reliability, or legitimacy

îndoielnic, șubred

uncertain or reluctant to act or speak, often due to doubt or indecision

ezitant, indecis

having the possibility to develop or be developed into something particular in the future

potențial, potențial

a feeling or intuition about something, often without conscious reasoning or evidence

intuiție, presimțire

the likelihood or possibility of something becoming successful in the future

perspectivă, ocazie

a hypothetical sequence of events or a plausible situation that could unfold

scenariu, situație

a feeling of doubt or mistrust towards someone or something, often without concrete evidence or proof

suspiciune, neîncredere

information that is heard from someone else, rather than being firsthand knowledge

bârfa, auzite

a lingering uncertainty or hesitation that prevents full acceptance or commitment to something

rezerve, îndoieli

to form a theory or opinion about a subject without knowing all the facts

specula, a presupune

to propose a theory or explanation based on limited evidence

a hipotetiza, a propune o ipoteză

to express various scenarios about something without necessarily basing it on evidence or facts

a teoretiza, a formula ipoteze